This bike followed me home a few weeks ago. The engine was partially disassembled and there's no way of knowing why. Bit of a sad story, too, as the original owner lost his life in a vehicle accident in 2011.
The bike was given to a friend of the deceased as he hoped to get it fixed and...
PEG compounds are manufactured compounds. While these compounds are created, dioxane (a harmful chemical) is made. This impurity among others, like lead, can stay in the product. One study found that 50% of the personal care products containing PEG compounds had dioxane.The skinis cells require...
I'm a returning trail rider after many years on the road bikes and have lost a lot of my bike savvy knowledge. I'm on an '06 Fe650 (monster of a bike btw) and I'm interested in doing full-day or even weekend long trail rides. A mate of my old man ran a KTM dealership years ago and has commented...
I just ordered a 2007 FE650E and need to order some oil (we gotta import essential stuff out in West Africa). What's the manufacturer's recommendation? Our average temp is 30 Celcius. Ridden hard what's the change intervall? Thanks, Mark