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  1. P

    stupid question

    How many gears does the 02' 501 have ? And, is the ignition prone to fail or doesnt put out much ? Easy one for you guys ! lol Thanks in advance ----Proflow
  2. Taffy

    stupid quiz!

    OK I go down the post office everyday and I'm well known obviously! when I put the parcel on the scales I have to then hand it over afterwards and announce the destination country as well so now they have these little sayings after each country I say. can anyone guess them? (country) is the...
  3. tuts

    some stupid stuff i like

    [attachment=2:21fscc3i]bacon.jpg[/attachment:21fscc3i] [attachment=1:21fscc3i]numbers.gif[/attachment:21fscc3i] [attachment=0:21fscc3i]copwarningsignjv4.jpg[/attachment:21fscc3i]
  4. C

    I am getting old...and stupid.

    You know those days when you really feel like you are one with the machine? I was having one of them yesterday....then I was viciously attacked by a row of trees which I bounced of nicely. Bike got caught and flipped, I remember landing in a roll and running back to the bike (old racer...
  5. S

    maybe a stupid question but...

    i have an 02 fs650 and was wondering if the 05 onwards header pipes and collector will fit on my bike, been offered a set cheap and would like to get rid of that awfull looking shiny chrome collector that comes on the pre 05 bikes.
  6. M

    Stupid question

    I've a Husaberg 450 FE 2004 and am at work ordering a new tyre. A: Does it have a 18" or 19" rear tyre? B: What size do they generally have? It has the standard excel rims. Thanks, Pete.
  7. J

    another stupid oil question...

    ok... bike's all warmed up and the level is visible at the top of the window and now there is a little bit of oil seeping out of a tiny hole above the window while it's running... is this normal?!?!?
  8. J

    stupid oil level question, lol

    the owners manual says (06) : level at bottom of window warm and top of window cold. is this correct. i'm just wondering because i would think when warm more oil would be up in the system therefor reading lower level...
  9. sixfiddy

    Stupid sidestand

    Hi guys, Has anyone found the need to shorten their sidestand? I have a lot of trouble out in the bush because my bike seems to sit too upright. :x I have an 05 FE650 std height. I feel i need to shorten the stand by about 12- 19 mm (1/2-3/4 inch) but i am worried about fuel loss...
  10. F

    possible stupid idea.

    I have 2 gt17 turbo's laying around, off a 660cc charade. I'm wondering what 1 on my berg would be like. Get a bit of BRAWWWWWT TSH action happening. whats your thaughts?
  11. Husa_Busa

    Probably a stupid needle question

    Hi When refering to needle position (in the carb) in manuals and in this forum, is it the needles position or the clips position that is mentioned? The needle position in my opinion is the heigh of the needle, not the clip, i.e. needle posion 5th from bottom is the neddle in its almost top...
  12. Bobzilla

    once more STUPID venting issue

    I know I know I am beating this dead horse but....... 2005 FE550, Tried the check valve that Dale recommended both in the stock boot and in a jumble of hoses and tee fittings. Still passed oil and I thought the problem was that I had nothing to catch the mist and let it turn to liquid again...
  13. velosapiens

    velo's mini ride report of new fe550e, + stupid valve tricks

    so i got a decent 1/2 day of backcountry skiing in yesterday (saturday) and spent the rest of the day sorting out the bike and checking things. today i hopped up, quick like a bunny, left the house at 7:50, and went in search of places that didn't have snow (i live at 6500', so all the decent...
  14. velosapiens

    stupid noobie questions. battery hookup, stock handguards

    just got the bike (05 fe550) delivered and deboxed it during lunch. i was scratching my head looking at the battery. it looks like i should slip the little teeny rectangular 'nuts' into the battery terminals, then screw the battery wires in from the top. naturally, the screws don't actually...

    My stupid Hydrauic clutch

    Hello All, Long time no post!!! I am having problems with my hydraulic clutch again!! I Have decided to just rebuild the whole unit tired of messing with it after sitting for a week I go out and it has lost its prime. I have no idea how to fix this problem it looks like it leaks...