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  1. T

    Straight through pipe, need jets changing?

    Hi, I bought a straight through pipe for my 03 650. Think its just a standard can with the inards removed. My question is, will it need up-jetting so as not to upset the balance? Im assuming its on standard jets now. If it does need a bigger jet, is it possible to change without carb removal...
  2. E

    Progressive or straight rate spring

    Just replaced my 04 FE 550 with an 09 FE570 and as I'm 97 KGs was going to replace the springs. My question is should I go straight rate or do the progressive springs work better in these bikes for trail riding, single track, rocky terrain. I am not the fastest guy or the slowest. Thanks for the...
  3. Skibum

    Needle straight and Pilot Jet relationship

    I would like to know the relationship between different needle straight diameters and PJ's. For example to get a certain fuel mix from idle to 1/4 throttle, with DVT needle and 45 PJ you would need a ? PJ with a DVR needle and ? PJ with a DVQ needle. Any ideas? Thanks, Roland
  4. P

    Straight cut gears - How loud?

    Im trying to find the source of a loud, high pitch whirring/squealing that seems to be coming from the clutch, its hard to describe but abit like a jet engine At best it is hardly noticeable (at tick-over) but at worst it is ear piercing. It seems to be worst at about 1/4 revs when coasting...
  5. cypher

    progressive spring in place of straight rate for '06

    having noticed in the doc and on the bike, an '06 450 that the spring is straight rate. would fitting my progressive rate spring have any serious downsides. really i mean will it cause anything to break. shock working poorly i can sort out, shock broken not so easy or cheap. and to...