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  1. K

    Clutch plates order

    Hey guys, I am in the middle of rebuilding my clutch and I've lost photos of it before (been a while since I disassembled it). For the love of God, I can't remember the orientation of the steel plates and the order of friction/steel plates. Can someone confirm please?
  2. L

    For Sale wtb: steel cam gear 04-08

    Trying to do the updated dutch clog on my '99 and need the steel gear to go with it! Hope to find one inside of the US. Thanks, Chad
  3. J

    Looking at 2011 FS570 producing some steel shavings. What's likely wrong?

    I've wanted an FS570 for a long time, ever since they came out. I recently decided it's time to buy one, and asked a friend who has one what problems to look out for. In reply, I got: Obviously it's possible that it needs quite a bit of work, but it's also possible that it's nothing...
  4. Taffy

    Chromed Steel Kickstart Arm Available.

    I bought boxes of very early kickstart knuckles back from Sweden and also those circa 2000-2003. So I made an arm up using the Husaberg knuckle and the aftermarket kickstart arm. the first photo is of the standard set-up: this is my first attempt which I've since sold so that it is getting...
  5. F

    Stainless steel valve conversion

    So I just pulled my engine on my 2011 fe570 for the first time while doing some other work to the bike and I'm considering changing out the valves. From what I understand the intake valves are titanium and the exhaust valves are steel. I've heard a number of KTM riders have swapped out titanium...
  6. D

    steel cam

    I'm looking for the right steel cam gear that will fit a 98 fc501. The one KTM has that is common is 34 tooth and not as thick. What I would like is a 30 tooth steel cam gear that is much closer to the stock aluminum gear. Could anyone send a part # to me. THanks
  7. grumpyberg

    Stainless Steel bolts ?

    Hi all, long time since I've been on the forum as the 390 is in bits having a winter refurb ! I have purchased a solid rear and new front stainless disc from racedisks Now for the question Is it OK to put stainless bolts into the alloy hub ? I have read that there can be a reaction between the...
  8. husabutt

    Ti vs Steel Valves + DVSK 2005

    In the 05 parts manual it shows that titanium valves came on the 450 fc and fs-c. What are the advantages / disadvantages of ti valves. The ti valves come with dual valve springs. Why? Will the ti valve dual valve spring kit 800.36.028.044 work with the steel valves? Are the steel valves...
  9. M

    Can't find a 53T steel sprocket?

    I can't seem to find a a 53T steel sprocket, anyone know who makes one? I had an aluminum Pro Taper sprocket and it held up pretty well but have always used steel for maximum longevity. FWIW, when browsing the internet catalogs I usually use a 450 XC-W as "machine" becuase very few have Husaberg...
  10. F

    Steel Camshaft Sprocket on older model Husaberg

    Hello, I purchased a 1994 501E Husaberg from a friend of mine and I was checking the valve lash and one of the feelers slid down the camshaft tunnel. After pulling valve cover and the clutch cover off I found it. While inspecting the internals I noticed the wear on the alloy camshaft sprocket...
  11. C

    310mm Steel Discs

    Just a bit of a heads up, I know of a few people who have been looking for good priced 310mm beringer steel discs and its hard to pick them up for less than about £150 second hand!! Well DCR Accessories in Preston (England) have had comparable 310mm steel discs made to fit any KTM hub (ie...
  12. Taffy

    little end material: can it be steel?

    just a question for y'all? i have a chance to test a rod that has a steel little end eye (as was intended) from another application. what can i expect? any trouble at all? my expereience is of bikes having bronze little end bushes within the rod. regards Taffy
  13. P

    titanium valves or steel?

    i'm a little confused when the subject of titanium valves are mentioned. how come on a yamaha wr the ti valves last hundreds of hours. how come on a honda crf the ti valves don't last anywhere near that. on a mates husky 510 he got around 7500km before the valves need replacing(under...
  14. mars

    cam sprocket, steel

    On the cam sprocket the is a pin used for stopping the auto compression release cam. Has anyone every had a problem with this pin falling out of the sprocket? The pin only looks to be pressed in, if there is a history of this pin falling it may a good idea to TIG weld the back side of the pin...
  15. W

    stainless steel oil filter

    where can i get a reuseable stainless steel oil filter to fit a 2003 fe650 i have just baught this bike.i want to do all the cheaks as listed in the owners docs and chainge the oil and there anything i should realy look out for on this modle it has only done 100hrs and deler serviced.i...
  16. F

    Stainless Steel Reusabel oil filter questions

    Stainless Steel Reusabel oil filter where in AUS can I purchase one for an 05 650FE. wanting to know which is the best brand? the process of cleaning? , drying? and reusing it? also how often do you clean it etc every second oil change? Are they better than the paper filters? Any info...
  17. D

    Stainless Steel and Aluminum Interaction

    Don't laugh, but has anyone had experience with stainless oil plugs corroding or seizing into aluminum or magnesium cases? If so, what if any anti-seize products are recommended. Now I'm wondering about my stainless oil filters?? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave 98...
  18. brookester

    Stainless Steel Exhaust Guards

    Hi All Anyone have any problems with their exhaust rubbing on boots or overboot clothing? I`ve suffered with this problem on my 04`s and my 05`s. Gruntunberg (Steve) has fabricated a stainless steel exhaust guard to solve this problem. This guard is a quality piece of kit and looks great on the...
  19. JBSracing

    Cylinder Liner - Nikasil or Steel Sleeve?

    Hi Guys As you know I'm working on a 750cc Husaberg conversion. I have stripped the donor/victim engine and measured all the bits up. I am running a specially made 105mm piston, and a longer stroke. This means that I will have to bore the liner and pack the head up. I have a foundry and...
  20. M

    Stainless steel in the exhaust pipes?

    Hi, The exhaust pipes should be stainless steel or? I think I read that somewhere but you get corrosion nevertheless. How to prevent this?