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  1. N

    2012 TE 300 shim stack

    Hello all, its been a while. Can anyone help me with the standard shim stack for a TE300 2012. I want to fiddle again. :roll:
  2. T

    how does this shim stack look

    I have got Race tech gold valves in my bike. this is the stack 2 x 24 x .15 1 x 24 x .1 1 x 12 x .1 1 x 24 x .15 1 x 21 x .11 1 x 19 x .11 1 x 17 x .1 1 x 14 x .1 1 x 13 x .1 1 x 11 x .1 1 x 12 x .11 1 x 18 x .26 I have removed one of the two 24 x.15 shim it seems to be better. so it looks...
  3. H

    FE450 2011 CC fork stack, building fe cc forks of sxf 2007

    I was woundering if any of you have the stock stack for the Husaberg fe450 2011 CC fork. I`m having a 2007 sxf 125 CC fork and thought that the Fe cc forks stacks from 2011 should be a good start. The fork i have had ProAction valves in them so i got the stock ones and softer mid spring so far...
  4. H

    08 FE450 shim stack

    I bought my bike used and someone re-valved the forks. I feel they are way too harsh for the type of riding I do and was wondering if someone could tell me what the stock stack looks like so I can start over. The bike is an 08 FE 450. If someone has a good stack for a rider that weighs 225#...
  5. M

    How's the BERG stack up to the Aprilia?

    When I bought my Berg I did so very reluctantly because I was deeply in love with an Aprilia SXV550. I struggled against common sence and finally it prevailed and I didn't buy Aprilia. When left with a decision on what to buy I came across Husaberg because one of the Utube videos of the SXV...
  6. S

    shim stack

    Hi All, I have just finished converting my 04 FE550 to super motard, can anyone quote me a good shim stack set up for the front susspension. I know they run a different springs. Regards Sparks.
  7. Smorgasbord

    A velocity stack, what can it do for you?

    A velocity stack, what can it do for you?
  8. 2

    2005 WP Shim Stack

    Here is info/chart on the 2005 FC550 stock WP Shim Stack for the Fork and Shock. I lost some clarity on conversion to .jpg