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  1. L

    FS650 Big End/Small End issues? Sloppy piston!

    Hi All The berg has been grounded for months now, ive been so busy lately and it kills me to see it the way it is. Lucky for it though, very soon Ive got some time to put into it to (hopefully!) get it looking and running like new. Three months ago one of the exhaust conical springs broke...
  2. Taffy

    decomp spring; sloppy fit

    i haven't been happy with the shape of the decomp spring to go with the latest decomp lobe. on one end you have a straight arm but the action is at the other. tha manufacturer has made the spring turn back across the end of the coils. but it is infact nowhere near the shape of the 'D'...
  3. H

    Sloppy cam-chain

    So here is how it went.....2002 FE650 Noticed a new weird clicking in the engine. Took it apart and found the new updated rear metal camchain guide I put in had snapped in two. Luckily no other substantial damage and the broken off piece was just sitting on top of the camchain tensioner. I...