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  1. B

    help my berg is sick

    hello im having a bit of a problem with my 06 450fe. i can't get the damd thing to run ok .ive cleaned out the carb, changed the ht lead, cap and plug and checked for splits in the rubber boots but still no joy. to get it to run at all i have to turn in the mixture screw to one turn out and turn...
  2. A

    Ljunggren cutting sick on Youtube

    Makes me wish I could ride like this! enjoy! Azza.
  3. schwim

    Sick of the ads?

    Hi everyone, Nobody's said anything to me(yet), but I'm sure a few are thinking it... "Why all the ads?" Well, I'll explain more later but first, let me say that if you don't like them, or if they cause you to think of nasty things to do to my fingers with a hammer, it's incredibly easy to...
  4. _alex_

    start to getting sick of this bike!!!

    hello,just to share my dissapointment :( i have husabergs since 99´,been in factory in sweeden in 2002(just before they move),completely being true fan for the brand 8) but i thing i got enough for now...i am not a professional rider just for fun whats the point of having...