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  1. G

    Does the TE250 share the KTM EXC250 engine?

    Hi all, I currently have a FE390, and I'm looking for a 2 stroke to add to the stable. I've been looking at the KTM EXC 250, just because they are so easy to find, but I have stumbled across a 2012 Husaberg TE250. I was just wondering, does the 2012 TE250 share the same engine and gearbox as...
  2. wrghtlk

    thought id share some photo's

    so my berg **** it's piston .. so while stripping the engine .. i thought id do some other work ... like paint the frame up as its scabby .. then a few other bits while i rebuild it .. anyway here's some pics to start off. front mudguard i reshaped from the original enduro one
  3. C

    Swedes Reunite: Husqvarna and Husaberg to Share Technology ... echnology/
  4. Taffy

    Fi? who do we share with?

    what other bikes share the Fi set up that we have does anyone know? I haven't checked anything out but do ask aloud. maybe others have worked hard at their Fi and ignition programmes/maps? I've been speaking to a roadbike specialist in this field and the first question was: who else uses your...
  5. R

    As a Mexican I feel free to share that for the first time a

    Mexican enters the Erzberg Race and finish it, he was the last rider to arrive, and It happens to be a friend of mine that I also ride with him on Valle de Bravo. ... &Itemid=40 Cheers Ricardo
  6. bikebarnbeckman


    The SUPPORT OHV!!! Rally or Southern Oregon Motorized Recreation Rally was a huge success. Thousands turned out to sign petitions and listen to some key personel speak about our right to public lands and what the BLM is doing with it's Western Oregon Plan Revision or WOPR. With media Coverage...
  7. A

    Small Achievement to share..

    Hi All, Just a small achievement which I thought I would share. I have finally set my Helmet Cam up for wide angle shots, it is about the same as your normal field of vision, and captures almost everything going on around you. I have managed to do some edits on my computer, following...
  8. R

    off topic but wanted to share...

    Just thought I would share that the kid came a bit early... by two weeks. .... this a.m in fact. 7.5 lbs 20" and kind of looks like baby Popeye or Mr Magoo.... fourth boy... 8O Man, I really need to make friends with a berg dealer.... and when are they gonna start making kids bikes?
  9. T

    Time for KTM to share

    So KTM bought Husberg to get 4T technology. Now it is time for KTM to share with Husaberg. I would love to have a 'berg powered with this, a lightweight 250 4T (Petteri Silvan's WEC EN1 race bike engine). ... CT6528.JPG
  10. N

    Got to share this with you..

    Sorry if this is like svearing in the church.. But i just had to tell.. Offcourse there has to be a swede involved to do something like this.. The link is in swedish, but in general it is about a guys Honda XR650 R And a turbocharger.. for now the bike gives 105,3 hp @ the rearwheel...