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  1. J

    Seats for 70 degree

    My bike came with a SC seat on it, I believe standard height. I'm thinking that I'd like a hole in my seat, and also that I'd like something a little better suited for hard use rather than touring. More height might be nice too. I see that a new OEM seat is available fairly cheap - $132...
  2. H

    husaberg fe 550 3 rebuild project, 3 angle valve seats

    Hello, so i'm rebuilding a husaberg fe 550 e 2008 some piscture how i make tearing down complete bike sandblaster frame with new coating and new plastics custom design graphics my cylinder head for a litle more power and flow :devil: 3 angle valve seat 30 / 45 /...
  3. F

    Valve seats on FE600

    Hi people, I was wondering if anyone knows if the intake valve seats on a 99 FE600 are supposed to be cut in a three angle concave shape. The ones on mine seem to be the reverse of a regular three angle grind. Everything is smooth and the valves and seats look like new. I have never seen this...
  4. 0

    BEWARE - XPC Racing Motorcycle Seats

    I must tell you how fast these guys got my seat back to me. Just over a week. I know they say 2 weeks, but I needed it for Thanksgiving weekend and they pulled it off. It is a high quality product. And it is very comfortable. A huge improvment over the stock seat. I need to break it in some more...
  5. N

    Worn intake valves seats on FE400.. Suggestions?

    Hi all, I bought a 2nd hand FE400 and found that the intake valves are tuliped.. From what I derived reading though posts, I need to buy a pair of intake valves from KTM. Would anyone know which size/part number I should get for the FE 400 head? I will also need a pair of valve seats...
  6. K

    Tall Seats

    I have a customer that has a '01 650FE and wants a tall seat. Will the one in the accessory catalog that says it's for an '03 - '07 work? Thanks. Fritz