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  1. H

    Scott's stainless oil filter

    I have a 2008 FE 450 and was wondering if anyone is using the Scott's SS oil filters? If so, how long and any problems with them? thanks HusaRod
  2. B

    Scott's damper on 09's

    Installed a scotts steering damper today on an 09 450.The stock frame mount from Berg part # 770-12-005-144 with an under bar mount the customer wanted from scotts part # 3015 same as 08. With the scotts damper unit! Bars can be used in all four positions as well!!
  3. kayteeem

    Scott damper mounting opinions ?

    Hi all, I'm looking to purchase a Scotts(Ohlins) steering damper and was wanting to know opinions on what people think is the best mounting setup and why. It's for a FE550e '05 bush/forest riding only. I have another brand (MSC) currently above bar mounted. ie) Above bar...