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  1. FraserThompsom

    17MM LC4 Front Wheel Conversion (Hopefully this light save you a head ache)

    Just thought I'd write this journey for anyone with a 17mm axle LC4 Front wheel doing a conversion to 20mm and hopefully this will prevent a few trial and error bits along the way. To convert the 17mm front wheel it is intensive but this is what I've learnt... The speedo side bearing is (from...
  2. J

    Save a Fe501E?

    Hello there. I inherited a 2000 fe501e from a friend a few months back. Just now taking a look. It could use a lot of love. valves, E starter was making a weird noise like it wasn't catching, Wiring is a mess, Broken plastics and the choke seems to be jerry rigged. Now i ask what do you think i...
  3. H

    Save the poor berg

    Hi everyone new Husaberg owner here. Picked up a 2010 fix 450 this year. Great bike was riding a 1990 rm 250 before. Huge step up rode the berg everywhere it’s street legal. Raced my first ever race with it to not bad for a 48 yr old. Lol was really enjoying the bike thought it was going to be...
  4. jmscrttndn

    How to save engine gaskets?

    Hello, I am going to try to take some preventative measures to save the engine gaskets (just in case I need to tear into the engine again in the future, the gasket may not be destroyed). I have loctite 518 and copper sealant (for around the exhaust). Would either of these work? Any other...
  5. C

    I used my body to save my bike...

    Well on the first roll I really need a new rear tire, that is my excuse that I'm sticking with. [youtube:325mnmj2][/youtube:325mnmj2]
  6. K

    How to save a drowned Berg

    Simples................ :bounce3:
  7. D

    Submit comments to save Johnson Valley

    All, Please take a couple of minutes to help save one of the best riding area's in the country.......... BLUERIBBON COALITION ACTION ALERT! CALIFORNIA - Submit Comments To Save Johnson Valley Dear BRC Action Alert Subscriber, As many of you know, the Department of Defense has proposed a...
  8. D

    Save the trails!!! Help open up millions of Acres!

    HI Everyone, Please take a moment to sign the petition to help push through legislation to open up millions of Acres of public land that has been held hostage by the Feds for the last 20 years. Sign the petition here:
  9. D

    Save the trails!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Off Road Recreation and Access to Public Lands Losing the High Ground Dear Dale, We told you in our last Save The Trails alert that Voting Works and it does. Many of you took two minutes to vote for Ideas in the America Great Outdoors Initiative. Your votes catapulted Ideas like "Enhancing OHV...
  10. D

    Two minutes to help save 13 million acres

    Many of you here have heard me speak about the "Wildlands Project" before. This action currently being taken by the current administration is evidence that this project is still alive and well. If you value you your off road riding area's, what's left of them..... Please take a few moments...
  11. X

    Save our byway campaign

    An online petition has been set up: "Protecting the Harrow Way Byway (Overton, Hampshire uk)" this is an important cause and I'd like to encourage you all to add your signature, too. It's free and takes just a few seconds of your time. Thanks!
  12. D

    Please Help Save Johnson Valley

    Greetings all, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to help us save Johnson Valley OHV area. It will only take a few minutes of your time and will make a great impact on the decision process. Although the save JV ride was a success with litterally thousands turning out...
  13. J

    Help ! save the 1 out of 2 Husabergs in Israel

    Hi, I own a 1996 Fe501. Unfortunately Israel never had a Husaberg dealer and therefore there are only 2 Husabergs in Israel. mine and another 600cc 2001. Needless to say there are NO spare parts (only KTM parts that fit Husaberg) and until now I managed.. but a week ago my rear break pump...
  14. G

    Save $400 on new REV-LOC Autoclutch

    For those who are thinking about getting an Autoclutch, now there´s good news: Revloc now has a limited time offer - check out their hp: minus $ 400 sounds good to me :D peter