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  1. M

    Chain Rubbing Kickstand Spring Screw

    Anyone noticed that their drive chain has rubbed the kickstand spring screw head off? I have a 2010 FX 450 and a friend has a 2010 FE 450 and we both have the problem. I tried to find some information about this but I didn't have any luck.
  2. H

    Boots rubbing tank - is there protection

    After almost 90h on the bike i notice that the tank is beginning to get thin at the redmarked area :shock: ,i have also worn throught the sidepanel (marked red). Is there any good protection for it?? or any other ideas..i dont like the idea to have a hole in the tank.
  3. J

    Header pipe rubbing on rear suspension spring 09 570

    My header pipe touches the rear spring on my 09 570. I've tried twisting the header at the join and spacing the muffler, but it still touches. The dealer told me that they all do it and it is not a problem. It only just touches, but it shouldn't.
  4. S

    The Bracket for Steering Damper is rubbing wires FE450 '09

    Greetings All! I noticed that there is very little clearance behind the connector for the lights and engine stop and the bracket for the steering damper. Here is a picture: I removed the connector from the plate holding it, as the plate is made from very soft metal and is bending...

    Tire rubbing on muffler !!

    On the 07 list of impovments said Changes for 2007: · Frame: Completely reworked frame-welding fixture used for all models 2007 with some new attachment points (e.g. silencer more spaced out to give better room for the rear wheel). well not enough if you use a studded tire it will claw...
  6. Huskyfatman

    Tire rubbing muffler

    After my bike's maiden voyage yesterday, I noticed the muffler had severe rubbige marks from the tire. I'm getting ready to space out the muffler, has anyone else done this? Can it be totallt eliminated?
  7. 4

    Why the heck is our chain rubbing the frame?????? HELP!

    I have a '05 650 FE, and have noticed that the chain is cutting into the frame on the inside by the counter shaft! There is literally 1mm between the chain's rivet and the frame, and when the master link comes around you can see where it just nicks the frame! How dumb! I keep my chain properly...
  8. Taffy

    rockers rubbing

    the rockers on mine have side play of about .75mm and 1mm respectively and can rub. is this a big deal? what things do we do to get the end float sorted? regards taffy
  9. D

    Front tire rubbing on header of my 2004 FE550

    Hi Jedi, Hey thanks again for the 10% off on the 2004's. I took my 550 out to the desert this weekend for break-in. The bike performed great. Carburetion was spot on, and after riding it for 3 hours one could tell that motor had defifnitley loosened up a bit. The suspension was very...