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  1. T

    Rollover sensor

    Good afternoon I'm Thailand and just has one 570.. 2010.. I'm new for Husaberg First . I would like to know about "Rollover sensor "main function second : and consequence with ECU or function to ECU and can we reset it or can by...
  2. E

    Rollover Sensor reset

    Does anyone know what the procedure is for resetting the rollover sensor after you have laid the bike over? Mine is a USA 2011 FE 570 S. Every time I lay it down, I can't get it re-started. I have read enough to come to the conclusion that it is the rollover sensor preventing it from starting...
  3. 6

    Rollover sensor

    Did anyone ever figure out a way to discconect the rollover switch and get rid of the blinking light?? My sensor was destroyed when my bike got burnt, and I can do without spending the $100.00 to replace it, if I don't need it
  4. T

    570 no start roll-over sensor?

    After driving to Washington to enter a 100 mile desert race my bike got scared and decided not to start. They had a poker run on Saturday that I went on. Half way thru I stopped to check a downed rider. After that she wouldn't start and killed the battery. I just installed an 8 cell lithium...