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  1. F

    2002 FE501 Stator rewind no good?

    Hey guys. I got my stator rewound and now instead of the 3000 ohms I should have red to black, I have 1650 ohms. I feel this will decrease the voltage output to the coil. Anyone in the know who can tell me what effect that would have on output? Right now I have this rewound stator and a...
  2. L

    2000 FC501 - Poor spark even after stator rewind

    Hi Team I had our famous Sparks rewind the stator on my 2000 FC501. I was hoping this would cure my starting issues; few months ago was starting fine every 5th-6th kick (the 1st to 4th no bite at all) in addition to stalling apparently out of nowhere on low revs. And then, just wouldn't...
  3. 7

    Stator rewind

    Does anyone know if Sparks still rewinding stators? I messaged him but haven’t heard back, He was referred as a go to. Thanks, Andrew
  4. C

    2001 fx650e stator, can I rewind this?

    Hey y’all I have found out my stator is faulty, red to black checked out to 750ohms. I ordered a new replacement stator from RMstator and im having nothing but troubles. I’ve ordered a new electrex unit to replace it. Anyway I was wondering if my SEM stator would be rewindable? From the amount...
  5. W

    Sparks stator rewind

    I have a 2001 fx-650 that has been a pig to start since day one. I recently had my stock stator rewound by sparks. Yesterday i went out for a test ride, it was 40 degrees F. I kicked thru with choke on a few times, shut off choke , found tdc and she started FIRST kick. This bike has never done...
  6. D

    Sparks Kokusan stator rewind, DC conversion,wiring upgrade

    Greetings all, This post has been a long time coming since my receiving of the Sparks rewound Kokusan stator. This started out to be a simple job, but, I ended up doing a bit of refreshing to other parts of the bike that delayed the posting of this thread. As many of the 2004 owners...
  7. fish

    Re-wind Starter

    Is it possble as I think I've fried mine.
  8. B

    Stator rewind

    This thread started as PM's from mm193 to me & back. With his OK I entered it as a thread.
  9. D

    stator rewind

    I just replaced a faulty stator in my 02 FE501E and am considering getting my old one re-wound to keep as a spare. Has anyone had this done in the U.S. with any success?