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  1. R

    Revloc vs Rekluze?

    (Copied in Rekluze Autoclutch post) Maybe I've not kept up with changing tech in this area fast enough, but I was under the impression that for a Berg the Revloc Auto clutch was a great choice. It was designed by Doug Dressel for Husaberg's and then expanded out to other models, KTM's the...
  2. H

    Rekluze Autoclutch

    I have a rekluze Auto clutch fitted to my 2003 FE501E. It bolts on and works like it was factory issue. So regardless of what catalogs etc state you can have one of these for your pre 2004 bergs now. The importer for the rekluze in Australia "Sutto's" happens to be one of the biggest Husaberg...