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  1. H

    Rebuilding a 2004 FS650 - few electrical questions

    Hi all! Long story short: I bought a what I thought was a 2004 FS650. Turned out the frame was, but the engine was a 1999-something-else. Cablework was butchered. I bought a 2006 engine, most of the loom, a new CDI etc etc. My mechanic is trying to sort out the wiring now, but we have a few...
  2. Goose916

    A luddite's adventure in rebuilding . . .

    So, after waiting over a year for my rebuild to come back, I finally received my bike. Happy? Well, in a way I became very happy. But I sure didn't start out that way. It started with a serious oil leak spraying out of the back of the left case cover. Immediately shut her down to...
  3. hyebo

    Rebuilding Engine, checking mains, rod... VIDEOS

    Hello Ive been reading this forum time ago and really it has helped too much, although like you can see this is my fist topic. Ive a husaberg FE 400 from 2000 with non e-start and last year i changed the piston for a new one and i noticed that the old one was scored hardly by a ball bearing i...
  4. B

    Rebuilding my own stator!!! 1999 FE501

    Hi guys I was thinking of rebuilding my own stator, can .anyone offer any advice as to how to tackle this ie, best wire , resin, tips , I'll post picks and progress reports to let you all know how it go's. Regards Ben.
  5. D

    Anyone ever tried rebuilding a flywheel?

    I have a couple of cracked magnets on my flywheel and am considering an attempt to "rebuild" the flywheel, possibly with high-temp Neodymium magnets. Anybody ever tried this before? I assume that the stronger Neodymium magnets would help generate stronger charging pulses for the CDI and they...
  6. H

    rebuilding engine question

    I'm rebuilding my 2005 fs650e engine. I've put the two cases together and noticed that the liner sticks up a little where the head gasket goes.I read in the manual that they say to tap it down but it does'nt want to stay down when I tighten the case bolts. is this normal! should I put the head...
  7. R

    Top end rebuilding on 2000 FC501, q's

    Friend is rebuilding his 2000 FC501, mostly on the top end where it needs attention. He's replaced the cam, cam bearings, and will be replacing the cam chain....and was asking if it was necessary or even worth while to replace the mechanical cam tensioner?? He said while he's in there he...
  8. T

    Rebuilding 501 engine

    Currently rebuilding '02 FE501E engine. Need to know piston to cylinder wall clearance. Anybody have this info?