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  1. H

    cam chain rattle 70° FE450

    Hi, I have FE450 2011 300+ hours on engine and my timing chain is rattling like this i guess. I want to ask. If I will change timing chain for a new one, is it ok? Or I will need to change timing chain and timing chain tensioner? I dont like manual cam chain tensioner. Dirt trics cant...
  2. M

    Engine rattle..

    I recently aquired a Husaberg fe450e 2006, which had stood still for a few years. Upon start up i heard some rattle, so i did some research and came to the conclusion that it was the CCT. I took it out and checked it, didnt seem to be faulty in any way, so i reset it and put it back in. Then...
  3. fe600racer

    2008 450: rattle noise from clutch?

    Hi all. While in 6 gear cruising notice metallic rattle from motor. Pull clutch lever to point of clutch disengagement and noise stops......let lever out to point of engagement or further and noise returns. Notice it while cruising in 5th or 6th gear....probably because higher speed. Has...
  4. A

    Engine rattle

    I have a 2005 FE450 that had the engine rebuilt by John (Orangeberg) a couple of years ago, after the bottom end let go. It has run perfectly since then, but has recently developed a bit of a rattle. I change the oil (Delo 400) after every second ride. I suspect the rattle is the timing chain...
  5. khelton

    New Rattle, Primary Gear Nut ?

    Hadn't ridden my FS650C for several months and after setting the valves yesterday and starting the motor, I heard a rattle that I had never heard before ( did not have my helmet on at that time and could hear better) . Definitely in the clutch / primary area. When I snick it into gear and begin...
  6. Taffy

    low speed rattle

    just recently someone had a thread with a low speed rattle problem? anyone remember the thread? i can't recall who it was? regards Taffy
  7. H


    Hi Everyone, im new here and to the world of Bergs. Just brought a FS650e 2004, When cold sounds ok but when it warms up it rattles quite bad (maybe its just me), clutch side, pull in the clutch and its a little better but still rattles, what should i be looking for any ideas ?
  8. bergersteve

    Low revs rattle?

    I have a noise that seems to be only noticeable when at low revs chugging a transport section, on a positive throttle. if constant throttle no noise!!! Ive tried every bloody bolt....but nothing. Its been like it for 6 months and nothing has gone snap...any suggestions. When riding it sounds...