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  1. B

    Berg just don't wanna go where I point. What am I missing?

    2010 fe450. Changed tires a few times, changed for heavier and lighter spring rate, tried increasing and decreasing comp and rebound damping, nothing seems to help. For most conditions I love the handling, but here in the PNW, we have a ton of FSR's consisting entirely of 4-8" diameter gravel...
  2. B

    Berg just don't wanna go where I point. What am I missing?

    2010 fe450. Changed tires a few times, changed for heavier and lighter spring rate, tried increasing and decreasing comp and rebound damping, nothing seems to help. For most conditions I love the handling, but here in the PNW, we have a ton of FSR's consisting entirely of 4-8" diameter gravel...
  3. M

    2011 FS570 starting point

    Just purchased a 2011 FS570 with all kinds of goodies on it but the suspension is bone stock. Rebuilding the suspension is not in the budget until late fall... for ice racing. But for now, back to supermoto. I have searched the forums for universally-accepted suspension quirks and/or settings...
  4. H

    4th point of contact needs rescue!!!

    4th point of contact = back side = butt = ........ (from Airborne training - the 4th part of your body that is supposed to contact the ground during a PLF) Okay bergers---after about 10-15 min in the saddle of my 2008 FE550 - I am reminded that my berg seat is only SLIGHTLY better than my 440...
  5. schwim

    Starting point for setup of Dellorto PHM rebuild

    Hi there everyone, I've got a Dellorto PHMzs carb that I'm rebuilding and I need some help with what jets to start with for my area. Elevation: 1,500 ft Temp range: 75-90 Bike: 2001 470 with Lineaweaver X2(IIRC) cam and Big Gun slip on (it's the bike that the wonderful members of the UHE gave...
  6. R

    WTB point me to classifieds please

    Maybe I'm blind. dunno but cant find a classifieds section need a motor for a 96 FE501
  7. T

    Husaberg again with exclamation point

    New folks to Hbg might not know me and what a proponent of Hbg I am, especially with my TM moniker. Most everyone knows that Hbg has had a roller coaster ride with ownership, quality, and distributors. I embraced the original 1989 Hbgs (a bike the rewrote the rules), buying a 92 when they...
  8. H

    Fork/Shock Start Point?

    My 02 FE501E has WP 4860 forks and a 5018 shock. I know the factory settings from the owners manual and that "+" means increase the effect and "-" means decrease the effect. But the manual states the factory settings as so many clicks "out". But "out" from which side, left as fully closed...