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  1. happier

    Looking for Husaberg 600/501 exhaust header pipes

    Hi all am looking for set of good used Husaberg 600/501 header pipes off 1993 bike but thinks ones up to 1996 will fit .the problem I have with my old ones is they are off model with electric start and they stick out to far ;) u can contact me on 07774250550 thanks
  2. CJ Benenati

    FMF pipes for FE250

    Does anyone have an experience with FMF pipes and the FE250? I'm looking to mount an aftermarket exhaust on my bike but they have several models available and I don't which would work best. Quiet and spark arrestor are a MUST. I'm looking for slip on too, not the whole system. Does the bike...
  3. C

    help!! glowing red hot header pipes!!

    The header pipes on my fc 470 are glowing red hot aft only a few mins of running. Coolant al seams to b ok and tick over is fine. I only noticed when i turned lights of in shed and could see they were bright red. This isnt mormal is it? Any advice is welcolm Thanks...... Andrew.
  4. B

    Overpriced Header Pipes

    OMG!!!!! Has anyone besides me looked at the cost of the FMF or Ackoprovis header pipes? Seriously? $550-900+ dollars for a section of pipe less than two feet long with a teeny tiny expansion chamber add into it. Either they think we are made of money, or they think we're the dumbest people...
  5. C

    Sexy pipes

    Now here's somebody that obviously finds their new pipes very sexy?, they're already set up in bed.... nice :mrgreen: Oh yea... TWINS...! Crispin
  6. H

    fuel pipes ?

    i am done whit the keihin fcr 41 conversion on my 650 2002- , i last problem is that i got 2 hoses and onley one connection on the cab for the fuel, if some one got some tip for how to solve this problem i will be a very happy man ... best regards daniel
  7. fe600racer

    aftermarket pipes

    Do the aftermarke pipes make much of a difference. Has anyone modified the standard pipe to get as good results (fe450 08)? What pipes have been used and how much do they cost. The akaapovic seems the most commone one, but I heard others are cheaper and better. Barret pipes?
  8. N

    05 450SM header Pipes

    Running an Akra ti end can on standard header pipes at the moment. Is there any point in swaping the headers? If so what should I consider swapinmg them for, and where is the gain, powere? weight?. Oh and where is a good place to look for a decent second hand set?
  9. sirsumm

    Header Pipes?

    Does anyone out there in Husaland know where I can find a new seat of header pipes for my 95 FC600?
  10. L

    Header Pipes getting red.

    After starting my new fe 450 04 , i find out that the Header Pipes becoming red after a while in idle. Is this normal, or is something wrong? Paul
  11. K

    Header Pipes???

    Sorry If This Has Been Discussed Before,But Whats The Largest I/D On OEM Pipes? Are They All Differant?
  12. F

    2002 FE501 header pipes on 2002 FE400 anyone?

    Was thinking might give me a little more down low. I have heard of guys doing it on 2004 FE550 header pipes on 2004 Fe450 and getting some good results. Any ideas etc??
  13. Taffy

    what pipes are we fitting?

    i just want to know what pipes we're fitting in the 400/450 range that are road or trail legal? not interested in the open 95DB stuff like the rino. do they make a Doma, DEP, or CRD? over here in europe for the bergs? what's available in the states? what was the FP like or is it...
  14. Bif

    tarnished pipes

    Anyone recommend a particular type of cleaner for removing the tarnish form the stainless header pipes? And will they shine again?
  15. M

    Stainless steel in the exhaust pipes?

    Hi, The exhaust pipes should be stainless steel or? I think I read that somewhere but you get corrosion nevertheless. How to prevent this?