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  1. Lumpy Cam

    Carbon two piece tank and ram air for Husaberg

    G'day again, I saw a post in her with an attachment where they were build an exhaust rear fender.....and they were using a two piece carbon fuel tank/tanks and a duct as a ram air.......can you buy this anywhere or did they make it? Cheers Cam :mrgreen:
  2. B

    Piece of junk headlight

    The 2011 FE570S has the biggest piece of junk headlamp I've ever had on a bike. First, it was too weak to see with at night, so the dealer gave me two 60 watt bulbs. That was better, but not great. Now, I've blown two bulbs while riding on rough off road sections. On blown bulb just folded...
  3. 4

    OHHHH F#%# i have a 2 piece fly wheel

    HINT : Do not try to remove fly wheel with 3 prong puller ends in tears ok now does any one know where i can get a cheap second hand fly wheel from the bike is a 99 fe 600 and i also wish to know where can i get one of them there fly wheel pullers from cheers doug