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  1. E

    Ride To Santiago Peak, Orange County, CA

    I have been wanting to do this for a long time and finally got the time. I highly recommend this to anyone with an enduro street legal motorcycle. It is a easy ride with great views. From the Maple Springs Visitor Center it is 13 miles to the peak at 5600'. First four miles are paved and the...
  2. B

    old north, peak RD west auckland ride?

    Saw 2 bergs riding down peak rd on sunday, was wondering if any lurkers or members on here were the guilty party, tried to get the old FS out to catch them but they were long gone:furious:
  3. Goose916

    Pikes Peak - McKay takes 3rd on FS650c

    congratulations Mr. Mckay for kicking ass and taking names on that FS650c! Damn fine showing on a 2006 bike. It's tough to beat Gary Trachy, he's won that division several times. Still, great seeing a 'berg ripping up the race to the sky! Again Congratz!!!
  4. L

    Clay Peak race

    This is where the WORCS race I did last year was. Only this time ... it was a much harder loop. Crazy sand climbs, a tunnel with tires to go over, part track, steep uphill and downhill sections, off-camber hillsides, and high-speed cross-grain. Oh ... and lots and lots of deep soft sand...
  5. S

    Peak District-winter rideout

    Went for a rideout in the Peak District (England) on Saturday. Started out from home at 6:30 and drove up to Derbyshire, the morning was beautiful with clearing skies, swirling mists and great views emering as the day dawned. There were 8 riders in my group and two other groups with approx 8...
  6. K

    Husaberg 650FS - Leaning Sidecar #2 Sneak Peak!

    Are you ready for Ice Racing?? Team MRSI are! For oval ice racing in Alberta Check out Bike - Husaberg 650FS w/leaning sidecar mod. Here is a sneak peak to our 2nd Leaning Sidecar to join our Racing Team. Last year our Leaning Honda 650 Sidecar left the...
  7. R

    Pikes Peak

    Just so the rest of you know, (Mr. Lineaweaver being far too modest to blow his own horn) a bike Dale prepared has just qualified as fastest (by a 21+ sec. margin) in the vintage class at this weekends Pikes Peak races. (also qualified 4th fastest in 750 Pro class) Not too bad for and old guy...

    Husaberg at the Peak

    Congratulations Kenny! Husaberg mounted Kenny Perkins credited with an official fourth place finish in the prestigious Pikes Peak International Hill Climb 750 class. Way to go :D Dale