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  1. S

    Want To Buy Oversized husaberg 450 07 tank

    Hi there, I know that is quite difficult to find for an oversized tank for my 450 07 berg but just in case you have one left in the back of the garage. I am looking for a 4 gallon tank or even higher. I have contacted to IMS, Clarke and Safari companies but no luck. Thank you so much...
  2. B

    For Trade WANTED oversized front disc with adapter '10 570

    was after a oversized front disc with an adapter for a 570 2010 Berg, I'm in Sydney Australia, but happy to pay postage if someone can help. thanks
  3. S

    Oversized water pump shaft seal??

    Kawasaki Part#92049-0104 This seal, being used by some as a replacement of the OEM, is double-lipped and 5mm deep vs 4mm of the stock. Does anyone know if the extra depth of the seal will block off the weep hole inlet? Thanks. Steve