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  1. N

    Its official. Subframe tank 100% Fixed

    Ok, here is the story of my rear tank. I purchased it off of a friend of mine, also a member of the forums, and used it for a little while. Quickly i noticed that the tank had some issues due to my abuse. First of all the plastic threads on the sides are crap. A couple of falls and the threads...
  2. zaga

    Official BERG Year ID - early ones

    Hi all We should, as BERGS lovers, put together all the info about the earlier bikes, so we don't have doubts about the year. I have doubts about the early ones 89 - 96, we should all try to find and scan brochures from this years, and official pictures, not aftermarket decals. After...
  3. zen

    Official Husaberg Engine Oil Level

    Official Husaberg Engine Oil Level For Husaberg 450 - 650
  4. zen

    Official Husaberg Bulletin #HB-01-03 Rocker Roller Checks

    Official Husaberg Bulletin #HB-01-03 Rocker Roller Checks For 2003 Husaberg FE 501/650
  5. zen

    Official Husaberg Bulletin #HB-07-03 Main Bearing Update

    Official Husaberg Bulletin #HB-07-03 Main Bearing Update For all Husaberg motorcycles
  6. C

    Official UHE UK trackday

    Hi folks, a couple of us are considering a supermoto track-day at a place called Trax in Preston, location below; The track time is a 10 - 15 minutes on/off affair on a Sunday, price approx £30 for the day. There is also an off-road...
  7. M

    the official "I'm a *******" post

    so I bought a 2002 fe650 from a member here and we bump started it on purchase day because the kickstarter is broken(red flag number one). All is well. get it home replace start. I proceed to tear apart the carb, check the valves, upgrade to dutch clog, along with new timing...
  8. J

    New look at official site

    Hi Just surfed on in to the site and found a completely new look with the FE450 / FE570 as the featured models. A bunch of new clothes and force parts that looks really good etc.
  9. NorIll804

    KTM-berg North America Official Announcement

    Taken from KTM North America, Inc to Distribute Husaberg Motorcycles - press release - Husaberg motorcycles will be distributed by KTM North America in the United States and Canadian market on September 1st. Husaberg has been owned and manufactured by KTM...
  10. G

    Erzberg 2007 official Video

    Hi guys, 1300 Starters, onlythe best 500 qualify for the "Hare Scramble" - this year 21 Riders could finished the race... Get some impressions about this years race: 8O A high-quality version is available on
  11. chilledspode

    It's official - I am a new first time berg owner!

    The bike is still in transit to me but the money has traded hands so I feel it is fair that I begin my initiation as a new berg owner.... Big giggles, all around... I am so looking forward to shaking out my new scooter. I do want to thank Jim over at Adrenalin - a real class act to do...
  12. R

    HMMMM... An official BMG Husaberg Truck for sale?

    Check it out... take a close look at one of the images... you can see the new Husamobile in the corner.... any takers... husatruck here
  13. velosapiens

    velo's official '05 fe550 report

    so i just got back from moab, and i have a few hundred miles on the bike. i rode it once here (80 miles) before putting in dale's jet kit, then spent another day getting that dialed in, so all told i guess i'm up to around 350 miles. aside from the jet kit, the only other non-stock item is the...
  14. brookester

    Husaberg Official Force Ride

    Hi all, I`m interested if anybody has been on the Husaberg official Force Rides in Castelvecchio Pascoli in Italy? Me and a fellow Husaberger is thinking of going in October from the UK. If you have any experiences of this ride or offroading in Italy please let me know. Thanks...
  15. Splat

    It's Official

    I just wanted to announce that schwim and his brother will be attending the 'Force Ride' in Moab in March. In order to guarantee schwim's attendance, we decided to pass the hat and take donations for the airfare. We thought that this was a good way to show json our appreciation for all of his...