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  1. H

    FS650 n00b rebuild project

    Howds! I've been posting here and there to ask for info and advice on that moneypit of a berg I bought a few months ago. Figured I'd better set up a single thread to record the epic journey! So first of all, I bought a really cheap "easy to fix" non-runner FS650. Went to see the bike with my...
  2. G

    'Nother N00b Here

    Howdy, 'Bergers! Can't even blame it on middle-age craziness as I'm waaay past that, but the bug bit me and I drove down to Florida, bought the '97 FE400 that's advertised here & on ADVRider, and brought 'er home to Texas. doG help me - I haven't been on a dirt bike since June '71! :roll...
  3. G

    n00b guestion - which side seal goes in?

    Hi Little help needed - which side the seal goes in? Picture A www.zone.ee/gigaweeb/seal1.JPG or picture B www.zone.ee/gigaweeb/seal2.JPG