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  1. husabutt

    AJP Motorcycles

    Has anyone ridden one of these bikes? They are made in Portugal. Anyone here from Portugal or Spain where they may be most popular? I think 2014 is the first year they were imported into the U.S. AJP USA, Enduro, Trail and Dirt Bikes - AJP Motorcycles America | Light weight, affordable...
  2. G

    Anthony Crago of Gecko Motorcycles Canberra has passed away

    Sadly Anthony Crago the head mechanic from Gecko Motorcycles in Canberra Australia passed away on Saturday, he had been battling cancerous tumours on the brain since Christmas, and after a couple of operations and radiation therapy was about to start chemo therapy as well. But very sadly he...
  3. V

    Beta Motorcycles

    Anyone have infos on Beta motorcycles equipped with KTM engines? tks Vicente
  4. T

    TM Motorcycles

    Hello I am very curious as to what some of you people out there think of the Tm Motorcycle, or if you can direct me to any reviews, I know a bit about them but I would like to see if there are other enthousiasts out there....If anyone would like to email me direct that is fine, this is TM's 30th...
  5. MRP

    BMW motorcycles of scottsdale?

    Just wondering if any of you Arizona guys have tried this place? According to Husabergs ad in Dirt Bike mag. they are listed as a dealer. Any info would be great. They would be a little closer coming from Payson than Premier.
  6. Simon

    Roehr Motorcycles - v. interesting powerplant

    All, Considering the large American contingent of this list, I thought you might be interested in this motorcycle. I think even more interest will be generated when you find out who's powering it! No, not Husaberg, but the next great descendent of Husaberg! Roehr Motorcycles Enjoy...