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  1. zen

    2002 Husaberg Brochure - Enduro, Super Motard, Motorcross, Cross Country

    2002 Husaberg Brochure 2002 Husaberg Enduro FE 400e 2002 Husaberg Enduro FE 501e 2002 Husaberg Enduro FE 650e 2002 Husaberg Super Motard FS 400c 2002 Husaberg Super Motard FS 400e 2002 Husaberg Super Motard FS 650c 2002 Husaberg Super Motard FS 650e 2002 Husaberg Motorcross FC 470/6 2002...
  2. F

    Motorcross tyre sizes for a 1999 650

    I want a pair of crosser tyres for a friend for Xmas but don't know what size he needs. Can anyone help? I think they might be 130/80 18 rear and 90/90 21 front. Is that right? Any recommendations on pure off road tyres? Thankyou in advance :)