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  1. D

    FS 650 '04 misfire & bad idle

    Hey guys! My name is Alex, I'm 30 years old and living in Austria. Until now, I've joined the German forum from the moment I purchased my '04 FS 650. It's been nearly 5 years now and as time goes by, I've faced a few issues with the bike yet, but I could handle them myself with a little...
  2. L

    390 FE misfire and more

    Update: problem solved, thank you all for the help! Changed the fuel filter and cleaned the injector, ran better but not perfect, borrowed a "know good" injector from a friend and it run perfect again. Did a few more tries to get my injector to run but ended up just buying a new one, can´t let...
  3. J

    Ongoing Mis-fire *now with video*

    still cant find the problem that would cause this mid range misfire.... was fine and then i checked the valve clearances, put the bike back together and now its got this misfire and is down on power.... mapping switch unplugged starts fine rev's out fine only has misfire at one spot...
  4. H

    Occasional Misfire - Help!

    My 05 FE550 starts and runs perfectly except for one thing. It misfires occasionally regardless of engine temperature or throttle position. It quite literally skips a beat every few minutes or so. Seems to be getting progressively worse. Any ideas???
  5. J

    god damn misfire

    My 08 fe550 has developed a rather bizzare misfire, after warm up and off choke after about 5 mins riding it will start to misfire heavily, it wont take *** throttle at all but will allways idle, the only way to fix it is to gently coax the revs up and let it run at revs until it belches out a...
  6. Taffy

    odd misfire

    just been given this conundrum by someone. nowt to do wi me though! FE650e used as a roadbike in SM version. he had an ignition misfire only in Hi. in Lo it was fine? according to my sales broschure, the only place i can find it: the Hi is more advanced from 2,500 revs to 6,000...