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  1. jjm525

    Mini lugage racks for the new 09-11 Burgs?

    Anyone seen any mini rear fender racks for the new 09-11 Burgs?
  2. bigbob

    NorCal- Husaberg mini Rally 8/4/07

    Celticdude, myself and Sacberg joined up for a 3 bike Husaberg rally ride this weekend at Elkins Flats here in Northern California- 3 Fe550e's Berg rally ... 50,560,443 Bergs loose in the trees – Celtic dude and his 2005 charging...
  3. bigbob

    Husaberg mini bike

    I swear My Fe450e is not that small me on the berg must be the camera angle...... I look like Paul Bunyan on it. :twisted:
  4. velosapiens

    velo's mini ride report of new fe550e, + stupid valve tricks

    so i got a decent 1/2 day of backcountry skiing in yesterday (saturday) and spent the rest of the day sorting out the bike and checking things. today i hopped up, quick like a bunny, left the house at 7:50, and went in search of places that didn't have snow (i live at 6500', so all the decent...
  5. P

    Husaberg 470 powered Mini

    Husaberg 470 powered Mini For those looking for something to do with your old Berg motor. :wink: