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  1. canolman

    Merry Christmas lads!

    C'mon lads it's Christmas!! Nadolig Llawen y chi from Wales, real enduro country!
  2. PEI Mudder

    Hardcore Husaberg fans Merry Xmas sorry guys its not porn lol
  3. zaga

    2014 Merry Christmas Thread

    Hi ALL Whant to wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas and a Very Very Good New Year with all that you wish. :) :) :) :) May the FORCE be with you :cool: ZAGA
  4. thorzburn

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to all members of the UHE! May your holiday be filled with all the joy of the season, and your new year be bright!
  5. cypher

    merry christmas, seaons greetings..

    .....and all that crap.
  6. B

    Merry Christmas....and now Happy New Year!

    Merry Christmas All! :reindeer: Hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday and get what they wanted from the fat man. H-berg edit: Happy New Year all! Hope it's a good one. :wav:
  7. B

    Merry Christmas UHE

    Merry Christmas UHE Members. If your looking at this on Christmas day, you must have needed a break from the inlaws as well as I! Have a Merry Christmas and a Drunk New Year! By the way it's snowing at my house. Has been all day!
  8. Ady

    Merry Christmas To You All !!

    Maybe i've missed a post where everybody's wishing everyone else a good Christmas, if so i apologize. I just wanna wish our Berg community a good Christmas and pay thanks to all those responsible for this site and its upkeep and particularly the unsung heroes who do a lot of background work...
  9. cypher

    merry xmas

    just got back in after spending the last 4 days in hospital having my appendix out. bang goes several festive rides i had planned but at least i'll be well for utah.
  10. R

    Merry Chrsitmas!

    Saw this over on ktalk- thought you beer drinkers would like it. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. W

    Merry Christmas

    I would like to extend a big Merry Christmas and happy new year to all in Husabergland. May you live well, prosper and keep riding the best , A Husaberg. Happy Holidays
  12. K

    Merry Christmas to all.....

    and to all lots of riding. A pic of my garage. Special thanks go out to nsman and billtech for all of their help with getting me my bike and for all the help with the club rides last year. I look forward to many more rides in the Valley next year. Cheers to everyone at UHE too.
  13. bigbob

    Merry Husaberg Christmas! accessories or bike you want?

    Ok lets get the Christmas , Hanaukah season started. Here is my Chirstmas card this holiday season 2006 Fe450e snow ride What do you all want for a Husaberg Christmas? my big christmas came early with the purtchase of my 06 berg, so I'm keeping my list simple, I want gloves
  14. Coffin

    Merry Ho Ho

    Yipeeeeeeeeeee...Christmas comes early.... Just got off the phone after making a deal with the mean the infamous Jedi. I will be picking up my new 2005 & 1/2 Fe 550 the first week of January. The 1/2 is because it is a new (in the crate) 05 550 with the 2006 plastic, gas tank...