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  1. E

    Want To Buy Master Cylinder 9.5mm - Husaberg FE 390 2012

    Want to buy a Master Cylinder for Husaberg Fe 390 2012, I live in Sweden and want to buy a non used clutch pump but can buy a used one based on the price and overall condition of it.
  2. H

    FE 390 - Clutch Master Cylinder

    I’m currently figuring out why the clutch on my FE 390 won’t disengage. Logically bleeding the system was one of the first steps to go…however little bubbles kept coming from the reservoir no matter what I did. Bleeding back and forth, pumping the lever, all the same. Finally I took the...
  3. Taffy

    nissin front mastercylinder

    i fitted one of these a few weeks ago and haven't had the chance to use it in anger until today. the story for me is of the front having no feel. in the meantime i fitted softer and better pads but still couldn't trust the front. so it then became the rear that did all the work. i then...