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  1. mtpolino

    For Sale 2009 570 FE w/ Subframe Tank

    Super low miles/hours (exact number coming soon) and excellent condition with extras, including factory-plumbed Subframe Tank, Akrapovic Exhaust, Mapswitch, Carbon Skidplate and Exhaust Guard, Tubeliss Wheels Front and Rear, Rekluse Clutch, Motopro Seat, Pro-Bend Handguards, Trail Tech Light...
  2. Geometrician

    70 Degree models X51 under-seat resistor

    I was going through my electricals tidying things around the batter box on my 2010 FE390 when I ran into a 2-conductor connector that is called "X51 Resistor", "A7" in the manual circuit descriptions. It has a white w/blue stripe wire & a black/blue wire leading to it. The other side of the...
  3. 4

    Mapswitch 350FE -13

    Following the instructions here and built my own mapswitch to my 450-09. Is it the same resistance in the mapswitchen to a 350FE-13?