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  1. DentDogg

    Help! I had a major engine failure on my 08 FE 550e

    I could use some help working to get my beloved 08 Husaberg FE 550e back on the road. So what went down today was, I was riding down the road and I noticed my engine seemed to be bogging down, shortly thereafter it died. As I tried to restart the bike I could hear a nasty banging sound. It...
  2. S

    Major coolant in oil issue!

    Hi guys, recently completed the full rebuild on my 01 Fe650, went fine I thought, it's really had the full works, alot of time and money. Was very happy with the rebuild and had no concerns over the build and quality. However, after the first fire up, I noticed oik dribbling from the weep...
  3. C

    08 fe450 blowing major oil out engine breather

    Hello, i am hoping someone can help. i have 08 fe450 with around 2500 miles 500 of those my miles. all of a sudden i notice a lot of smoke, after close inspection i find oil pooling up in air box, Lots of oil. HELP ME!
  4. Taffy

    Major issue for pre 2004s........

    OK here is the first big hurdle for the 1989-2003s we can get over most things but this one is a killer.... there are no more cam follower bearings available fort these models. I've run out of CFBs already. we need a new supplier and fast! if any of you can help by getting inside the...
  5. G

    Major rebuild for my '04 FE 450E

    Hey guys, I've had my 450 pulled down after it let go on me, and found the locknut for the tapet adjustment came loose, and it and the screw came out, machining some unwanted galleries in the rocker cover on the way. It then found its way into the gearbox and popped it out of gear. Dropping the...
  6. R

    How many hours until first major service FE390?

    All, I am new to the board here. Looking at a 2010 FE390 that has about 60 hours on it. Bike is very clean. My concern is that it is getting close to a major service needed. At what point does the engine need major service? I am coming from a CRF250X that just needed valves adjusted every...
  7. fe600racer

    07 Berg major changes, what are they?

    Hi all, I have heard that the 07 Berg will have major changes. This is coming from a marketing source though and some have complained the 06 was not changed enough. I don't want to wait, I want to know what the changes are that have been referred to, does anyone know? fuel injection...
  8. moto1020

    Major parts/service availability problem!

    I've been trying to do a simple top and bottom end rebuild on a 1994 fc600 berg and running into parts that just don't exist anymore from any dealers! Does Husaberg think that these bikes don't exist anymore? or maybe everyone has enough money just to go and buy a new bike every other year...
  9. McMucker

    major popping/backfiring

    so just got my 03 650 berg. its amazing but has some serious popping issues on deceleration. I have had the carb off and jets are clean and hoses are ok. I have ran the mixture from between 3.5 to 2 turns out (manual says 1.5-2.5) and it gets a little less the richer I run it but it still...
  10. geoff

    Major Backfiring on Deceleration FE501

    Hey Guys, I figure my mixture must be too lean, but can I do a simple adjustment to fix it? I'd need step by step instructions please - very new to this game. Thanks Geoff
  11. Dr_C

    First try after major surgery

    Went to the dyno last friday after some extensive tuning during the winter. I have got 56 on a nearly stock bike, 65 after some slight tuning and 69 with some more work, on this very dyno. This time I got 72bhp on the first run! Practise RR was also much more fun this time... I was in such a...