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  1. Taffy

    mains housing gone oversize

    I have a set of cases that i'm trying to save. they are 550 cases and basically the mains can turn inside the case on both sides. I bought them with a ball main on the right and the crank was tethered to the left with the now infamous 'bullring'. all the pressure went on the right main...
  2. K

    Installing mains

    I have new mains and 1 transmission bearing to install on my 380 project. I have a shop press to do this. Do I need to heat the cases if using a press? If so, is it ok to heat the cases with the other bearings in place. Thanks in advance K
  3. K

    Checking mains

    Ive got the top off my 650 and both the clutch side cover and the stator cover. I haven't been getting shavings in the oil so I'm assuming it is all good. I vaguely recall reading a method of checking mains. I've searched but come up with nothing. Is there a method for checking mains with the...
  4. berglsmerg

    570 mains

    Looking for Nj206 ecp c4 mains for my dead 570, anyone know of a well priced quality supplier ?
  5. hyebo

    Rebuilding Engine, checking mains, rod... VIDEOS

    Hello Ive been reading this forum time ago and really it has helped too much, although like you can see this is my fist topic. Ive a husaberg FE 400 from 2000 with non e-start and last year i changed the piston for a new one and i noticed that the old one was scored hardly by a ball bearing i...
  6. Taffy

    mains fit on the crank

    just asking aloud what is the engineering code that a main bearing should fit onto a crank? someone said to me K7 but i'm not really sure? regards Taffy
  7. Taffy

    chain tension and mains?

    hear is another taff-ism left-of-field curved ball (i'm learning american!): could the mains problem that few owners had be related or affected by the final drive chain tension? i've met one or two people lately that have the chain very, very loose? is that a good thing? or bad...