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  1. E

    Excessive amount of metallic flakes in oil. FS650 2004

    Hello! (There is a short/TL;DR version at the bottom of the post) At first I'd like to apologize for yet another post about flakes in the oil. I know there are quite a few of these threads and should this one be considered unnecessary I will remove it. :) To the case at hand: I...
  2. Dan0995

    Stainless oil filter short vs long? oil choice? metal debris magnet

    Hi! I have a husaberg 450fe 2006. I decide to order stainless oil filter but surprise, I order the short one and I have the long one in the bike. Can it be used in my 450? if so, Is there any utility to the short oil filter (cold, better pre-heat) vs long (heat, oil flow)? I double check...
  3. C

    speedo magnet part number

    Anyone know the part number for the speedo magnet on the husaberg 570 fe? been looking for awhile now and can't seem to come across it. Cheers.
  4. T

    FE570S: Lots of metal on oildrain plug magnet

    My bike is a 2011 FE570S with 87 hours and about 3200 miles, mostly off road at high throttle... This is what I had in my oil change this afternoon. Please note that there were metal parts everywhere: Oil plug magnet Oil screen near thew oil plug magnet Banjo bolt oil screen in the engine...
  5. H

    09 fe570 broken magnet on oil drain plug

    Has anyone seen or heard of the oil drain plug magnet breaking in half or being grinded in half by something in gear box? First time changing oil on my new to me 2009 fe570 @ 34hrs found the oil drain plug magnet sheared by as much as 7mm off!! Not much metal shavings stuck to it. Some shavings...
  6. T

    FE570S: Metal on oildrain plug magnet

    Here's my question: Is this normal ??? For me there's a lot of metal chip on the magnet... See the 2 pictures below. My bike is a 2011 FE570S with 2500 miles and 65 hours on the clock. I did the oil change tonight after 25 hours since the last oil change. Before the oil change the bike was...
  7. O

    Parts on the magnet

    Drained my oil, engine has 11.5 hours on it, found pieces of a tiny spring on the magnet. It's probably 0.5 mm diameter and was maybe 20mm long or more. I've studied the parts manual, and I believe it can't be anything other than the tension spring for a valve seal. Things could certainly be...
  8. A

    501 flywheel magnet problem

    Hi All, I have a problem with my 2002 501 flywheel, some of the magnets have come adrift, are there any suitable after market manufactures which sell an improved flywheel and stator as a kit? Regards Aussieberg.
  9. S

    metallic flake on magnet

    hello hello i dumped oil today 180km on oil change, now i had 1 i say 1 metallic magnetic flake on my drain plug it was 1mm by 1mm, is this the beginning of a lemon lol. i just keep on checkin and changin. crank movement was .32mm might have moved .02mm maybe max
  10. E

    fitting an oil magnet to a 2002 engine

    I want to place an oil magnet in my '02 engine since it does not have one like the '03. Is the oil drain plug a possible position? If not: What ís the best position?
  11. S

    Trail Tech Magnet bolt vrs HB magnet for speedo pickup

    has anyone got the factory speedo to work with a Magnet in the rotor Bolt vrs the factory magnet. I'm building up second set of rims, after market brake rotor has no hole for the magnet and was wondering if the Trail Tech bolt set up would work. Or has anyone setup a trailtech speedo and...
  12. E

    A lot af scraped metal on my oil magnet?

    I changed my oil yesterday, but when i checked my oil magnet it was about this full of scraped metal.. I dont know how long this oil has been in the engine. (bougt the bike couple of monts ago, i did about 100km's since i bouht it) Is it too much (is there something wrong (cam chain?))...
  13. F

    Need Metal magnet sensor for speedo where can i get?

    I need a metal version of this the plastic ones just dont cut it for me.