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  1. T

    Adler slipper clutch locking screws lenght?

    Adler slipper clutch locking screws lenght and manual Does anyone know how long should they be? Part number is 59032007100 edit: m4x35mm
  2. G

    Crank locking bolt 06mod+

    I have a 2006 FS650E. From the 2005 workshop manual I can see that there is suposed to be a locking bolt in front of the engine. This bolt does'nt exist on mine...Is there any new location of this bolt or is it just removed?
  3. A

    Final drive locking up bike sounds aweful

    Hi All Finally got my nephews bike running sweet (10/02 FE501) when cold it sounds a little bit timing chain rattly but goes well, when its hot after 20 min or so it starts to lock the final drive and sounds shocking and will barely move under power, its only started doing this the last few...
  4. H

    Please help - locking front brake

    Bike is 96FE600E that had been sitting for a few years. Front brake locking while on the trail and I waited untill pressure realeased - couldn't even move lever. Got it home and cleaned master cylinder, line and caliper. Fulid was pretty bad so I flushed with brake clean and used DOT 5 to...
  5. berglsmerg

    09 crank locking bot

    It doesnt lock the crank in the tdc position :angry: Why husaberg why ? Thats the only way to check tdc witout jamming something down the spark plug hole. Setting the cam to the bolt put the cam timing retarded by 45 degrees :cuss: 15 grand. 15 ******* grand, a small car costs 15 grand...
  6. bushmechanic

    crank locking bolt and crank twist

    my 08 650 has its crank locking bolt on the rhs under the stator cover. the 550 motor I have here has its crank locking bolt on the LHS of the crank as shown in the manuals. in the manuals it says to tighten/loosen the flywheel nut with the crank locking bolt to stop the crank spinning...
  7. Barry

    Locking bolt size?

    Anybody know the size (diameter and thread pitch) of the locking bolt described as #3 on page 24 of the '04 Repair Manual? It has a part number of 580.30.080.000; but instead of buying one, I wanted to make my own.