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  1. P

    My local spot in Scotland

    North west coast. The terrain is mostly pretty hard going unfortunately! That bit of the track is the best for miles around and lasts about 100m :D Thought I'd post here while I wait for any help in the main section, shes no running :(
  2. H

    For Sale 2008 FE 650 (found local on CL)

    Hey there Bergers... NOT mine ( I have the 550) but this is an 08 from Boz down in Portland What a machine !!! 2008 Husaberg 650fe with lic plate Scott
  3. N

    USA Baltimore local ride. 21144

    Looking to put a ride together a local ride for Friday. Todd 443.538.8633
  4. D

    Very Rare Picture, FC501 at local motocross track

    This is a rare picture. A Husaberg at the local motocross track. I feel as though I'm the only Husaberg out there (because I am). This was taken at Argyll Park, Dixon, CA. Seeing a Husaberg at any MX track in this area is like a "Big Foot," sighting. Anyway, a couple weeks ago I picked up a...
  5. P

    I need a good retort for some local berg bashers

    Ever since buying my berg a few months ago all ive seemed to do is defend the brand. All the local "experts" are telling me ive bought an unreliable heap and that i should have gone jap or orange. My replies are usually uninspiring dribble like "There extremely light weight" or "There good...
  6. M

    good local mech?

    anyone know of a good local (seaside, CA) mechanic? I'll travel a bit but if it becomes too much of a hassel i will sell it to one of you guys cheap.
  7. Crew-Chief

    Who's the most local dealer to N. GA?

    I seek a fix (parts) for my leaky fork seals, and was wondering if there were a dealer I could drive to somewhere near me. I'm in Atlanta, and I've got a 2000 FC501. Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to mail order stuff, just trying to find an excuse to visit another dealer! :teeth...
  8. CheGuevara

    Local vid

    A short vid of some of the action at the local track (Victoria, BC) on a practise night earlier this year. That was actually my first night out on the 'berg and I guess I was too slow to make the cut in the vid :lol: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 8787693160 Cheers, -Mike
  9. bigbob

    Husabergs at the local races - Photos

    My MC club, The Polka Dots, put on our annual harescramble races this weekend here at Prarie City SRVA in Sacramento, Ca. I was working the event on my pretty and clean Jedi Berg a day in the sun for the fe450e and I managed to get one pic of the two husabergs I saw out there today...