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  1. G

    Dont leave your bike upside down,oil comes out

    Yes it should be obvious. Found some good hills today and on my second attempt ended up with the bike -09 FE 450 upside down on its side with me falling further down hill . Wasn't that way for long 20 seconds or so ,got back on and rode down the hill . We decided the other way was smarter and...
  2. F

    You guys leave a little to be desired

    or in other words ... you guys suck! Ten replies about a guy's f'n garage. And not one person can give an opinion if a 1997 501 is a piece of crap or not. All things Husaberg, my arse! Have a great weekend.
  3. Simon

    FS650 offroad? leave it to the experts!!!!

    On Thursday evening I was invited for a little sojourn with a Husaberg dealer friend of mine and a few of his mates out into the beautiful west country. Just a couple of hours during the evening on some easy countryside. I haven't ridden properly for some time and I am far from riding fit, let...