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  1. Dw1

    G'day from the land down under

    Hi Everyone, Newby here from Bundy in oz (Straya's rum capital) I am a ktm man, and am very heavily involved in the ktm forum. Known as Dw there but that user name is to short here. (Hence Dw1) Anyway's, thought I would try out one of ktms big blue cousins and swapped me ktm 300 2 banger...
  2. D

    Colorado Land closures.

    For those of you who just returned from Force Ride 3 this is especially important!!! BLUERIBBON COALITION ACTION ALERT! PRIORITY LEVEL: CRITICAL COLORADO ROADLESS COMMENTS NEEDED - DEADLINE OCTOBER 3, 2009 Dear Action Alert Subscribers, The last time we sent an alert on the...
  3. D

    Land grab the size of indianna

    Please see the attached link. More easst coast we know better than you land grab. ... threatened Here's a copy of the letter that I sent via the linked web site. I edited it slightly to include some pertinent information. As the linked...
  4. R

    another land use battle *nationwide* we need your signature

    Below is a mailing from my local riders club. Please read and sign if you ride anywhere in the U.S. I am writing to you all to ask that you go the link below, and sign the petition located there. This is a petition to fight the Forest Service's effort to close 80-90% of ALL forest service...
  5. D

    Land use issues

    All, Here is the BRC news letter that I got back in October. It outlines what the Blue Ribbon Coalition has been up to over the last year. For those of you in the states, I encourage you to join the BRC as I feel they are the most effective of all the pro access groups. I am going...
  6. D

    Land Use Fight, get in or lose out.

    To all, With the recent revival of scientfically baseless environmental claims, and the likely hood that non shared access political groups are gaining a majority here in the US, it is even more imperative that all of us join some sort of shared access group with some moxy. My money is...
  7. NorIll804

    Land of Lincoln Supermoto Round 1

    Hey all, I just thought I would let you know one of our local SM series had their opening round this weekend, and Robert Loire and I decided to head down to the heart of Flattrack country, Springfield, IL, to get some more spring riding in on the Loire Racing Aero P.A Husabergs. We...

    Land Speed Record Broken ... 1&aid=8691 By a Dirttracker no less. The times, they are a changing. :D Congratulations Chris Carr. Dale
  9. Supermototeam

    Land of the Great Salt Lake

    I'm headed to Salt Lake City next weekend, and I sure would like to add a dealer or two to the Husaberg family. Can anyone recommend a shop or shops in Utah ? You know the ones I'm talking about, motorcycle enthusiasts, not big box stores :) Thanks for your help. Brett Saunders
  10. R

    considering coming back to 'berg land

    I've been away for a while, but thinking of coming back into berg land. There is only 1 sticking point... Can anyone confirm/deny that the ktm slipper clutch works in a 650 berg motor?
  11. Splat

    Important: Proposed Federal Land Policy Changes

    There are several proposed land access policies being drafted by the Federal Government. Please follow these links and be informed and get involved. ... tions.html