ktm or berg


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  1. 1

    Wheels KTM/Berg

    Can anyone tell me if the KTM and Bergs share wheels (hub and axle size)? I have a 2011 70* Berg and I need an extra set of wheels to mount studded tires on. I'd prefer a direct fit, but if all I need is a spacer, I can deal with that. Thanks in advance!
  2. L

    KTM/Berg forks, PDS, GDS T clamps, Akro, RTT s. damper etc.

    Hi, I have FS some parts from my 570 Husaberg. WP 48mm forks made for supermoto - I will add spare springs for MX/enduro.. 350EUR WP PDS (only for 09-12 Husabergs) made for supermoto - I will add spare spring for MX/enduro.. 350EUR GDS triple clamps 14mm.. 220EUR Akrapovic silencer -...
  3. zaga

    Cross Ref KTM/BERG - KOKUSAN

    Hi I was comparing some ref. from KTM and noticed something similar, can anyone tell me if this are the same: STATOR BERG - 800.39.004.000 KTM - 583.39.004.000 CDI BERG - 800.39.031.000 KTM - 583.39.031.000 Thanks for the help :cheers: ZAGA
  4. J

    KTM/'Berg split??????

    ok i have just seen this at ktmtalk.com. i have no idea where it came from or if it is for real, but i am sure it could result in some MAJOR changes to the bikes and distributing, spare parts availability etc etc. ... 070905.jpg Jeff
  5. speed2need

    ktm/berg triple clamp swap

    I have a 2004 fe450 and I wanted to know if the ktm triple clamp with the 20mm offset will interchange with my berg set(22mm)?? Any special dohickies needed to make it work?