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  1. J

    94 FE350 - Dellorto VHSB 38 missing the idle emulsion jet?

    I am having trouble getting the bike to start without choke and idle. It needs choke even when hot, starts and goes up to an enormous amount of revs. Turn off the choke and it will die. If I am quick on the throttle after closing the choke, I can run it with the throttle, but I have no idling at...
  2. F

    For Sale FREE - six carb jets and a needle

    Some years ago I had a 1996 FC400 but gave the bike away to a guy in Michigan. Digging through an old toolbox I found some old carb jets and a needle. I believe the carb was a VHSB 38. If they are useful to anyone, please feel free to email me at [email protected] - they are FREE if...
  3. R

    Carb jets missing?

    Is this possible? I'm taking my carbs apart to clean them following the manual I was given with my bike. Has been fine so far up until this part: "Unscrew the idling jet (4), starting jet (5) and needle jet (6)" But in my carbs at the location of (6) there is nothing to unscrew like there...
  4. G

    Clogged Oil Jets, Warranty question.

    Hello fellow Berggers, I own a 2011 FE570. I have about 12 hours on the engine, it is still under warranty. I have a set of knobby and motar wheels. I've done 11 hours on the motar setup mostly on the freeway doing about 70mph(easy rides). I converted it to the knobby setup and ran it for an...
  5. T

    Straight through pipe, need jets changing?

    Hi, I bought a straight through pipe for my 03 650. Think its just a standard can with the inards removed. My question is, will it need up-jetting so as not to upset the balance? Im assuming its on standard jets now. If it does need a bigger jet, is it possible to change without carb removal...
  6. A

    hard parts stabilizer- exchangeable jets?

    Hey, anyone know if the hard parts stabilizer (2010 fe 450) has replaceable/ exchangeable jets inside? I want to be able to adjust mine seems a bit stiff still at "1" thanks
  7. S

    Where to find jets,

    I am looking for some atomizer and pilot jets for my Dellorto. After talking with Motoxotica he recommended me calling Herdan in Pennsylvania. I am having no luck reaching anybody there and they never call back. Time to move on. Does anybody know where else I can get jets in the states or should...
  8. buzzard

    Leak Jets

    Thought I might tell you about my latest jetting adventure with my 06 FE450/FCR carb. I found that KTM and Husaberg have FCR carbs with no leak jets, whereas the Hondas and others do. For those that don't know, the leak jet is a jet in the float bowl that is in a Y configuration with the nozzle...
  9. cwalkin


    Hey guys, I just put a 45 pilot jet in my fcr on advice from you guys after my annoying popping from my exhaust,,, the 45 pilot jet has solved this but i was also curios as what it would be like if i lifted the needle to the bootom clip (7 from top),, It seems to be great - from idle the...
  10. husabutt

    Best way to store jets

    Any suggestions on the best way to store carburetor tuning parts (jets and needles) and numbering them for easy identification.
  11. fish

    Stock jets on FS650

    Hi people, I am having trouble starting my '02 fs650. I've tried all in the hard start guide and all seems to tie up. I have the fuel/air mixture screw 1 1/2 out and it tried to fire! but the only way I could get it to pick so it would tickover is to increase the ticker over until it fired...
  12. _alex_

    03´ 501 correct jets...

    hello, What is the correct carburator setting for a 03´ 501 by riding at sea level?(needle,jet,mix,etcetc) thank you, alex
  13. Chizzler

    Dellorto jets and Mikuni conversion

    Hello all, I just recently picked up a 97 FE501. It runs a little funky and I think it needs a rejetting. Can anyone tell me where I can find jets for the stock 40mm Dellorto round slide? Preferably a US dealer. Also, has anyone swapped a Mikuni on to one of these bikes? Is there any advantage...