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  1. T


    Does anyone know how to contact jbsracing? They dont answer any of my mails.
  2. S

    Is JBS-Racing still alive??

    Hello. Is there anyone out there thats know if Jbs-Ben Is still alive?? I have tried to mail him several times but to no successes. And his Page Is never updated? Best Regards Patrik
  3. JBSracing

    JBSracing Website Updated Inc PRICES

    Hello again good people of the UHE. In response to the dozen or so emails I get a day asking for prices on the 750cc big-bore and stroker kit I have updated the website. The new section has pictures and prices for 650 engines, 750 engines, 750 kits, fitting and service kits and carburetors...
  4. JBSracing

    JBSracing Husaberg 750cc Bore/Stroker kit released.

    As a few of you on this site know JBSracing have been working on a 750cc big-bore and stroker kit for the Husaberg 650 engine. The members of this site have been very helpful answering some of the questions I had at the beginning of the project. I feel it is right that this site be one of the...