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  1. S

    2013 Husaberg FE 501 Interchangeable parts list. KTM/Husqvarna

    Hi guys, I own a Berg FE501 and due to parts getting less and less would like to start a thread containing parts we know are interchangeable. Please add any information you have on any parts you know of that will fit the 2013/2014 Husaberg FE501. So far this is what I've found elsewhere, and...
  2. Bengy22

    Are all berg wheels interchangeable?

    Friend of mine has a 2009 fe450 and was looking into supermoto rims, with a small budget used is the way to go but he wasn't sure if all husaberg wheels fit, I thought all 70 degree wheels would fit but when I checked the fe570 vs fe450 part numbers on wheel hubs they where one off. I'm sure...
  3. bergmann

    Interchangeable parts between ‘04 550 and ‘07 650

    Just wondering if any of the engine parts are interchangeable between a 2004 550 and a 2007 650
  4. K

    Are the 2011 and 2013 4st shocks interchangeable?

    Does anyone know if the 2011 and 2013 husaberg 4stroke pds shocks are interchangeable? I'm looking to add a dirt setup to my 2011 FS and was wondering if the shock from a 2013 FE350 would fit? They are both pds but the last 5 digits of the p/n are different. The first 5 digits are the same...
  5. B

    Interchangeable rocker arms

    Hey, can you tell me if intake and exhaust rocker arms from 2000 400cc will fit in 500cc cylinder head? Or how much milimeters are they different? Thank you. :)
  6. H

    FE570: largest front sprocket? & interchangeable with KTMs?

    i've trawled the thread for info on this for a 2012 fe570 but get mixed opinions and results. can anyone confirm the largest front sprocket possible for the fe570? i know the 14 tooth is easy, but wondering if a 15 tooth is possible, and if so does the chain guard need to be removed or modified...
  7. C


    Is the KTM interchangeable with the Bergs? I am just wanting to know cause it might be harder to find parts for the Berg than it would be for KTM's. If so, is there a motor that would slip into the 02 400 frame that i have? i dont want to do that, but i dont want to break anything on this engine...
  8. Motodude

    Husaberg/KTM Interchangeable oil filter?

    I have an '05 FE550e and bought a similar filter for an 05' KTM 525 EXC listed as "Filter 1". I believe this is interchangeable with my Husaberg, but not certain. FYI, is now selling HiFloFiltro HF-155's (I know these are for Husabergs) for only $3.53/each. Wish I would have found...
  9. E

    Are the frames of '99 FC and FE 600 interchangeable?

    Also what other model frames could replace a 99' FC600 frame. How about a '96 501? Can somebody post a link to a husaberg model history/model evolution page or similar? I'm trying to figure out if I can get a race bike plated by swapping the frame with a street legal one...? :oops:
  10. T

    Are 1999 Fc 501 wheels and 1999 Fe600 wheels interchangeable

    I found some excel wheels for sale off of a 1999 501 and would like to have a spare set for quick tire changes from street to dirt for my '99 FE600E :? Will these be a direct fit or do I need to modify them some how? Or if anyone has a wheel set for sale that will fit. Thanks Tom
  11. R

    Interchangeable Parts?

    Hi fellas, The clutch on my 2000 FC600 is starting to slip. It's fine in 1st or 2nd, but starts slipping when giving it alot of gas in 3rd and above. I'm running 100% mineral oil, so I don't think this is causing the slippage. I think the clutch plates are worn, but I've not had a chance to...
  12. albacore

    Parts interchangeable?

    I need spare motor parts for my 98 FC 501 and am thinking of buying 95 FE 501 for parts off ebay but would like to know if internal parts are the same before doing it.
  13. Ammo

    Berg and KTM - parts interchangeable?

    just how interchangeable are parts between the bergs and ktms? I picked up my 02 FX470e and was just curious how much crosses over. nearest dealer is over 500 miles but the ktm dealer is just around the corner