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  1. M

    Wiring hydraulic brake switch to taillight?

    I am wanting to hook up my rear LED taillight to my Berg's newly installed hydraulic brake light switch. Can someone provide me a diagram on how to do this? Taillight has three wires: 1. Black wire=Ground 2. Red wire=Power 3...
  2. F

    hydraulic clutch oil

    Hi All I have looked into the hydraulic mineral oil used for the Megura clutch. Based upon information from various manufacturers and their safety data sheets, the oil is ISO10 and ISO15 hydraulic oil. The viscosity index, viscosity grade at temperature, flash point ands density all match...
  3. D

    hydraulic clutch line 09 fe 450

    Need a new clutch line for the berg part no. 81232063000. Bloody expensive US$150 or here in Australia AUS$190. Does anyone know if a ktm clutch line will fit. The part numbers or similar KTM 2011 450 part no. 54832063000 would work or any other ktm clutch line that may work on the berg...
  4. B

    Hydraulic clutch hose

    Hi i picked up a 2002 FC550, when ridding today my clutch hose started leaking out of the metal end where it screws into the clutch perch. I assuming a need to order a new clutch hose part# 230 135-01 but i don't see it being sold anywhere. or is there a cross reference for a ktm or possibly...
  5. D

    2009 & onwards hydraulic timing-chain-tensioner update.

    for your info: the 2010 models have a new number for the above part. Seems KTM tried to improve the troublesome part. When available I will buy one. KTM is updating the dealernet info in this month but it is a slow process, no prices yet available. Ciao, Adriaan
  6. H

    Clutch hydraulic oil - leak?

    Hi, in May i lost the function of my clutch surprisingly. I had to fill up the oil, but after a round (7 km) the oil was not stone empty, but I can´t carry on. I changed the o-ring of the clutch slave cylinder, although I cant see any failure. The bike had at this time round about...
  7. S

    clutch - Manual to Hydraulic

    Has there been a successful instance of changing an older, manual clutch to a hydraulic clutch? Is there any bolt on accesory kit that keeps the old clutch, but incorporates a hyraulic puller mechanism? Am I dreaming?
  8. S

    Hydraulic clutch questions???

    I just finished putting my new kickstart shaft in the bike and piecing everything back together. I adjusted the valves but have not added coolant or oil yet as to give time for the RTV to cure. When doing my once over the bike, I have found that during the last two weeks of everything being...
  9. 4

    hydraulic clutch for 99

    ok i know this has probably been asked b4 but here goes . The 2000 while having the new chassis has the same motor as myn but has the hydraulic clutch . Would it be an easy job to adapt this to the 99 as the mounts and such would be there yes or are they on the frame . Has any one put a...
  10. Barry

    Magura hydraulic clutch upgrade questions

    Any of you out there swapped out your cable clutch for one of Magura's hydraulic units? If so, how do you like it? Worth the money? I am considering one for my '98, but wanted some first hand reviews. Barry
  11. manan

    Hydraulic clutch

    Can anyone help me find a used factory or Magura Aftermarket clutch set-up for my '99 FE 501. The Magura website doesn't show any 'Bergs on the list. Manan


    I need help!!!! I have a hydraulic clutch on my quad and it only works when it wants to. I have bled and got proper pressure but after 1 day or 1 ride it leaks out pressure and turns into mush I know the thing is leaking I just need part #'s to fix It may or may not be setup...