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  1. E

    1994 FE 350 carb help! I need parts!

    94 FE 350 I need the rubber intake boot. Where the carb connects to the engine. Any help directing me where to look would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. O

    FC->FE Conversion

    Hi all, Now i'm not old, just outstandingly lazy. My berg, an '04 FC 450, kicks over just beautifully. Two or three when cold, every time when hot but I'd love an e-start. Nothing better than 'There's a button for that'. Plus, i'm pretty fed up with the left kick as I ride an XR every other...
  3. N

    Crankshaft husabeg fe 650 2001

    Do anyone know if a 1999 Husaberg FE600E crankshaft would fit my engine? Ketil
  4. J

    Looking at buying an 05 Husabeg FC 450...

    Hey Guys. I found a great deal on a mint 05 Husaberg FC 450 and I just have a few questions. I am completely new to Bergs. I have owned KTM's in the past. My last bike was a KTM 525, until it was stolen! Do you think I would notice, and dislike the less power of the FC 450? Or does...