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  1. 9

    For Sale 1998 FE 501 rims/hubs wheels

    Want to buy. I have a 1998 501FE. Looking for front and rear wheel hubs. Need hubs but would buy complete wheel assemblies. Want for supermoto set. So would also consider supermoto set. Thank you
  2. bergmann

    Want To Buy 2007 fe650e hubs

    Chasing front and rear hubs for an 07 fe650e, would prefer from some where Australia
  3. K

    Weel hubs and brake rotors for 2011 FS 570

    I want to buy a new set of wheels for my Husaberg FS 570 2011, of a different trim, but would like to keep the originals. I've heard that the hubs (both front and rear) are pretty much the same for all Husabergs and even some KTMs, but since I'll probably import them (I live in Brazil), wanna...
  4. M

    FX 470 HUBS...

    I am looking to build some SM wheels for my FX 470. Which hubs will fit it? I can handle the rest from there... I see lots of info on here about this. I can also order custom bearings to accomodate different axle sizes, but just need a starting place, as far as hubs...KTM? Husky? What will fit...
  5. G

    What hubs will fit on my 98 FE 400

    I am looking to lace some motard wheels for my FE 400 and am looking for used hubs / wheels to do it. What hubs and wheels will interchange with my model ?
  6. bushmechanic

    cracked hubs

    anyone else cracked a couple? I saw faktors pic both failures after a hard day in the whoops, both on sprocket side even though disc side is thinner on second hub. chain and spokes correct tesion, sprocket bolts tight axel nut corect tension. first hub cracked around 1000Km...
  7. chilledspode

    Do non cush hubs accept cush assemblies?

    I have searched here on the topic of cush drives and certainly understand the benefits of one as well as some people's experience indicating they aren't strictly needed in a street SM application. What I couldn't gleen was whether a non cush hub can have the cush assembly added to it after...