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  1. T

    Dual single track?? What the hell!?

    At the moment its my favourite riding. Track is from deforesting equipment and both sides usually are pretty even considering obstacles, much like parallel slalom. If the opponent gets in trouble you wait up, and go at it again, gentlemen racing it is :)
  2. L

    5 miles of hell west coast style-- Video

    Hey all It was hot, dusty and the light was lousy for shooting a video, so I fell on my a$$ a bunch to keep it entertaining. https://vimeo.com/132623929 Enjoy Looki
  3. A

    What the hell???

    Bought a 2004 FE450E about 2 weeks ago. Haven't had a chance to ride it yet. Went to pump the tyres up tonight as they seemed a bit flat. Looked at the front wheel, scratched my head. Rubbed my eyes. Looked at it sideways. Thought I was imagining things. Looked at the back wheel...
  4. R

    Hell in head

    Well, it had to happen! 2002 650 cam gear bolt came loose and all hell broke loose. Bent valves, etc, etc, etc. My problem is now that I have replaced all bent, broken and/or worn parts, it will not run. I suspect I have not lined up all timing marks correctly or have not put cam in...
  5. D

    what the hell is this jet?

    right next to the main jet on a 41mm FCR of unknown origin? it's about .020 diameter.
  6. B

    E-Start hell!!!

    Hi all, I have another Berg E-starting question. I have done lots of searching on the site, have tried lots but still can’t really find exactly what I am looking for to solve my problem, and am at the end of my rope. I have a 05 450fe @120hrs and from day one the thing has really...
  7. R

    5 miles of hell

    some had mentioned riding this while in moab... 8O 8O http://www.ipiphotonet.com/domains/350/files/2140.wmv
  8. H

    what the hell should a berg sound like?

    Just got the old girl back together complete with Honda tappet screws (thanks Dale), she started up dutifully as she does, no choke at all. But theres always that rattle there that having had 3 failures already always scares me to death!! the last time i had the engine rebuilt by DCR dave said...
  9. Supermototeam

    Husaberg Hell

    Go to eBay and search for the two terms: "Hell" and "Husaberg" together. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. R

    What the hell is up with my cooling system!?

    I noticed my radiator was leaking, and I pulled it to send it off for repair. I noticed when it was draining that white deposits, gritty, flaky draining out with the coolant. the inside of the raditaor looks clean as far as i can see but whoa! the hose stub on the bottom of the radiator has...