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  1. J

    Replacing crankcase bearings

    I'm replacing my 2010 FX450 big end & main crankcase bearings. The manual says to heat the crankcase halves in an oven to 150 degrees C (302 degrees F) and the bearings will fall out. I don't really want to replace transmission or balance shaft bearings as well. Will heating them to this...
  2. T


  3. H

    Motocomposites carbon heat shield

    Anyone knows where I can get this on-line here in the US? I googled for it and I cant seem to find the link.
  4. A

    Heat shield needed

    I have an '04 FE650 and have a first world problem; the exhaust burns holes in my pants legs on the left side. It doesn't seem to matter what kind of material, I've got holes in my cargo pants (yes dumb choice), my kevlar jeans and my nylons. Does anyone here know of some sort of heat shield I...
  5. A

    reduce heat exhaust

    in the netherland a dealer has made a new front pipe. To reduce the heat under the Tank, and reduce the heat with the schok absorber it must be better working on the crosstrack I dont know if its working but on the link you can look wath he has dan...
  6. beast rider

    Heat shield...not the header one...the heel one

    Has anybody found a source for a heat shield for the exhaust pipe just behind your boot heal .....not terribly concerned about my boot but I am adding a Big Loop bag and the web straps go through that area ....want them to be cool, not melted. I have an FE570S , (2011). I know you can add the...
  7. K

    Exhaust heat sheild /rad

    hi new to the site i have got a 2008 450/380 and would like to know were to buy a Exhaust heat sheild and some rad sheilds . great site thank you all keith
  8. F

    Radiant heat on rhs of a 2010 FE390

    Reporting an observation: Today I rode single track today in weather 31 degrees celcius - all 1st and 2nd gear riding - bog holes, riding the clutch alot etc etc - this is what the bike is meant for - right. Coolant level fine, I have the fan kit AND petrol tank heat shield and B&B exhaust...
  9. K

    Anyone using the CV4 heat blanket?

    I thought I saw a post about it somewhere on this site. Anyway, I found the company website and looked it up. It looks cut-to-fit. I'd like to put it on my 2011 390 when I get it. IF it hides under there so I don't see it hanging out there like a space blanket. If there is something better...
  10. N

    FS: CV4 Fuel Kool Heat Blanket For FE390, 450, 570

    Hi all. I ended up with an extra CV4 heat blanket during this past year. It is brand new, never mounted. Works on all FE 390, 450 & 570 tanks. Check it out here: http://www.cvproducts.com/Powersports/P ... PN=CV47401 $65 shipped. Pay Pal preferred. Thanks! Pic links below:
  11. T

    heat shield question

    I'm looking for something to cover the rear pipe, right at the bend. It looks like the Husaberg frame guards have a little extension to cover this area, but I'd like to see some other options. Something like this would be nice: https://pirieperfprod.com/4-Stroke_Rear_Boot_Guard.html...
  12. F

    FE390 CV4 Fuel Heat Shield Installation

    Look Ma, its a boy! I did the install today on my 2010 FE390 - took about three hours start to finish as the radiator fan and Force radiator guards got in the way, and had to take the radiator guards off, and right radiator hose off to move the fan out the way to remove the fuel tank...
  13. H

    08 FE650E heat shield ?

    Anyone have any ideas on where I can buy a nice heat shield for the 08 FE650e ? All posts I can find are too old to help - the links no longer work.... Is there any up to date info on shields for the pre-09 bikes ?
  14. H

    Aussie fe650 - exhaust wrap or heat shield

    Guy guys, Need some advice. I currently have a 05 fe650 fitted with standard pipes. I am finding that Im burning holes in the leg of my pants on the header pipe. I also have dramas burning fingers when using the choke/hot start. Wondering if anyone in Oz has purchased a header pipe guard and...
  15. H

    Do I really need a heat shield on the exhaust?

    New Berg owner (2010 FE 570). I am wanting to set up the bike right and have seen a lot of posts regarding the right heat shield on the pipe however am curious if it truly is needed? Does anyone have any experience with the pipe actually burning a hole in their boot/pants? If so, is the right...
  16. H

    Heat taping the entire length of a header.

    Are there any ill effects to taping the entire length of an exhaust header? I live in the desert where it is dry most of the time. I live with the bike boiling gas on almost every ride. On my latest ride I had a dry leaf start fire. The leaf wasn't too bad. But had it blown out of the bike...
  17. zaga

    Electrical - to heat or not to heat

    I'm rewiring (rebuilding the wiring harness) of mine 98 FE600E and I have a question, and I wonder if you can help me. In 98, I have the 2 yellows in short connected to a regulator and then a rectifier; In 99-00, there is a 3 phase regulator/rectifier with the 2 yellows and the blue...
  18. pollo

    E-Line Exhaust heat shield

    I bought the carbon fiber heat shields from E-Line. :P I m waiting for delivery. There's always burnt gear and boot black marks on my exhaust. These should take care of that. Maybe my knuckles can rub on them instead of sizzling on the pipe when I check engine oil . I wear the biggest gloves...
  19. K

    exhaust heat shields???

    i like to wear over the boot trousers when riding. sadly this means i have burned a hole in my brand new no fear tanks do any of you know if there are heat shields available for an 05 fe450 cheers,kyle
  20. D

    Can Stators get heat affected?

    Greetings Gents, Last month i took my 1999 FE501 to the Cape. The old girl and i did not make it to the top however...we stopped 50Kms from the tip which was a total bugger! The scenario........ The bike was running well for most of the trip however had been becoming increasingly...