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  1. L

    Anyone happen to see this bike ever in MN?

    I still haven't given up on finding my bike. I am stubborn that way. It has been a long sense the incident. And I am still really bitter about the police losing it... And I know its been rather dead on here. But I was hoping a few people still view these. Here it is again. A 2011 Fe570S...
  2. ninjamunky85

    Anyone else ever have this happen?

    Yesterday I was riding my '10 FE450 on some local trails when I pulled my clutch lever and it snapped. Except when I looked closer it turned out that it wasn't the lever and was actually the clutch master cylinder that snapped. It looks like the PO had already partially broken it and...
  3. E

    What will happen to Husaberg.org?

    Now that Husaberg has reach the end of times, what will happen to this site? I love my 570S and intend to keep it for many years. I use this and other sites heavily when it comes time to work on my Berg and hope that others have the same interest. Obviously, there has been a drop off in...
  4. L

    Husaberg in Maxim: did it happen?

    Somebody mentioned that there would be a Husaberg in Maxim magazine in the States. Was that just another rumor? I don't buy this magazine, sorry, but my stepson is a subscriber and I read it for the articles only, and so far no Husaberg...
  5. H

    big problem..whats happen??

    could someone tell me whats happen?? where i can buy and how much it will be cost..
  6. H

    whats happen..?? no idea...:/

    how can i put in this post images?? add attachment doesnt work..:/ image have 850kb..