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  1. Dr_C

    Valve circlip, groove dimension

    Anybody by chance having the dimensions for the groove in the valve? I have ground cutters for making my own valves out of blanks, but now I need a titanium valve manufacturer to do it for me. OR, if anybode knows which valve manufacturer (Kibblewhite, Xceldyne, Ferrea, DelWest, Manley) that has...
  2. K

    Groove in water pump shaft

    I noticed a water leak from the weep hole, when I popped the side cover off to replace the seal and o-ring I noticed that the shaft was worn. ... _photo.php Is this something that warrants replacement or install new seal and leave as is? Also...
  3. O

    oil rings and piston groove

    few months ago i bought a new wossner piston for my 95 fe 600. i ordered it by a wossner dealer not from my husaberg dealer-the price was 100e down. there is a chance that the piston is faulty, the oil rings and the piston groove for them might be different. i just want to know exactly...