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  1. R

    FE 570 sight glass leaking

    I have a 2010 FE 570 and the sight glass is leaking. Any suggestions or how serious a problem this is. Leaks very little but still bugs me
  2. D

    sight glass replacement

    I have to replace my sight glass.... any advice or pointers? ? Tks fred
  3. S

    Oil Sight Glass - Does this look right?

    Okay, did Orangeberg, replaced water passage O ring, replaced water pump shaft O ring and seal. After cool down the bike's oil and coolant levels seem to return to normal, but I've only run it for 10 mins or so. New to this bike and Husaberg, in general; but, have never looked at a sight...
  4. S

    05 fe 650 oil sight glass leaking?

    [/URL][/IMG] The sight glass on my 05 fe 650 is leaking badly; but, I can see no way to remove it intact. I fear damaging the split ring groove if I try any further to remove it; and I have tried everything I can think of to pop it out. You can see the two exposed ends in the lower left...
  5. B

    Engine oil level glass leaking

    Hi, today I found my FE 570 2011 with an small crack on the oil level window, leaking oil. I have never had a knock on it. It shocked me a lot, and I´m really dissapointed about it. I would like to know the reason of cracking this window. I have cheked on my Engine spare parts manual and it...
  6. L

    2011 Sight Glass, what shape is yours

    Mine is round, and the other two i looked at yesterday are long and thin. Whats up with mine???? 2011 F450
  7. F

    oil level in sight glass

    just wonderd where approx it should come upto in the sight glass on the 450,,as mine is looking bit low after puting in the recomended amount
  8. L

    Colour of oil in the sight glass.

    Hello, i will show you som pictures of my sight glass and ask for comments. Before start. Engine running. Engine running I cant find that the oil level is rising or colant level is beeing lower. Could it be a small amount of water? The oil has about 1,5 hours...